Owner`s manual

Practicing in Training Mode
DTX400K/DTX430K/DTX450K Owner’s Manual
Pad Gate
In Pad Gate training, the pads will only produce a sound when your drumming precisely matches a practice drum pattern. At
the end of training, the drum module will display your score using number buttons [1] to [10/0] and will also speak it to you.
1. Press the [TRAINING] button to activate Training
2. Press number button [8].
The [] button will flash, indicating that the drum
module is on standby to start training.
3. Press the [] button when you are ready to go.
The drum module will start to play the practice drum
The number buttons ([1] to [10/0]) will light up to dis-
play the progression of the practice drum pattern.
4. If necessary, select a different practice drum pattern
using number buttons [1] to [10/0].
Drum scores for the various practice drum patterns can
be found in the Data List section (page 62).
5. Play the practice drum pattern on the pads.
The pads will not produce a sound if they are struck
out of time.
If you play any phrase other than the practice drum
pattern, the pads will not produce a sound.
To select a different practice drum pattern, press the
corresponding number button ([1] to [10/0]).
6. To end training, press the [] button once again.
The drum module will display your score using number
buttons [1] to [10/0] and will also speak it to you (in
English). For more details regarding scoring, see Scor-
ing function (page 29).
Muting specific parts from the practice drum pat-
You can mute any of the individual drum parts (i.e.,
snare, kick, tom, hi-hat, and/or cymbal) that make up
the practice drum pattern. If, for example, you were to
mute the snare part, you could focus your training on
just the snare pad.
1. Press the [DRUM MUTE] button and verify that it
lights up.
2. Strike the pad corresponding to the part from the
practice drum pattern you wish to mute.
The selected drum part will now be muted.
If the pad corresponding to the muted drum part is
not struck for certain period of time, it will be auto-
matically unmuted.
3. To manually unmute all drum parts, press the
[DRUM MUTE] button once again and verify that it
turns off.
• If you wish to adjust the difficulty level for this training, see the
description of the Difficulty Level parameter from Menu Mode
(page 50).
• You can choose either to mute pads when they are not played in
time or to play all pads regardless of when they are struck. For
details, see the description of the Ignore Timing parameter from
Menu Mode (page 50).
• You can set which groups of pads the drum module should con-
sider when deciding whether or not you are playing the correct
pattern. For details, see the description of the Pad Gate Group
parameter from Menu Mode (page 52).