User Manual

Practicing in Training Mode
DTX400K/DTX430K/DTX450K Owner’s Manual
Change Up
In Change Up training, your aim is to maintain good timing as you play along with up to seven different practice rhythms that
change every two measures. The rhythms are assigned to number buttons [1] to [7], allowing you to freely choose which ones
you want to practice with. At the end of training, the drum module will display your score using number buttons [1] to [10/0]
and will also speak it to you.
1. Press the [TRAINING] button to activate Training
2. Press number button [5].
The [] button will flash, indicating that the drum
module is on standby to start training.
3. Press the [] button when you are ready to go.
A practice rhythm and the metronome will start to
play, and the practice rhythm will change after every
two measures.
4. Press number buttons [1] to [7] to select the rhythms to
practice with.
When a number button is fully lit, the corresponding
rhythm will be included in the practice session.
When a number button is half lit, the corresponding
rhythm will be skipped as you practice.
The number buttons will flash to indicate which
rhythm you should be playing.
5. Focusing on accurate timing, play the practice rhythm
on the pads.
To adjust the volume of the practice rhythm, press and
hold the [SONG] button, and then press either the
[VOLUME+] or [VOLUME–] button.
To mute the practice rhythm and play along with only
the metronome, press the [DRUM MUTE] button.
To unmute the practice rhythm, press the [DRUM
MUTE] button once again.
6. To end training, press the [] button once again.
The drum module will display your score using number
buttons [1] to [10/0] and will also speak it to you (in
English). For more details regarding scoring, see Scor-
ing function (page 29).
1 3,6
Fully-lit: Rhythm
included in practice
Half-lit: Rhythm not
included in practice
session (i.e., skipped)
• You can also press the [ ] button to end training.
• If you wish to adjust the difficulty level for this training, see
the description of the Difficulty Level parameter from Menu
Mode (page 50).
• This training can be set either to mute pads when they are
not played in time or to play pads whenever they are struck.
For details, see the description of the Ignore Timing param-
eter from Menu Mode (page 50).
• You can also change the number of measures for which
each practice rhythm is repeated by pressing number but-
ton [10/0]. When this button is half lit, each rhythm will be
played for four measures before changing; when fully lit, the
rhythm will be played for one measure; and when not lit, it
will be played for two measures.