Owner's Manual

DTX400K/DTX430K/DTX450K Owner’s Manual
Package Contents
After opening up the package containing your electronic drum kit, please verify that all of the follow-
ing parts are present.
For DTX400K Owners
•Parts !6, !7, and !8 are contained in Box 1.
•Parts !0 and !1 are contained in Box 2.
• The DTX400K does not have any parts numbered u, o, or !3.
•Parts !4 and !5 are almost identical in appearance but are actually different. They can be told apart by the sticker on the base sec-
•Parts e and i are almost identical in appearance but are actually different. Part i has a wing bolt, but part e does not. In addi-
tion, the polystyrene foam packaging used for part e is marked “T” (tom); while the packaging for part i is marked “S” (snare).
q Base supports (x2) w Vertical supports (x2) e Third tom part (x1)
r Left arm (x1) t Drum module (x1) y First/second tom part (x1)
Third tom pad
First tom pad Second tom pad
i Snare pad (x1) !0 Cymbal holders (x2) !1 Hi-hat holder (x1)
Rear side
Wing bolt
!2 Cymbal/hi-hat pads (x3) !4 Hi-hat controller (x1) !5 KU100 Kick Unit (x1)
!6 Nine-channel snake cable (x1) !7 Tuning key (x1) !8 Cable bands (x3)
!9 Power adaptor (x1) @0 Owner’s Manual (this booklet)
* May not be included depending on your
particular area. Please check with your
Yamaha dealer.