User Manual

DTX700 Owner’s Manual
For more troubleshooting tips, refer to the Reference Manual PDF document.
See page 5 for details on downloading this manual.
The DTX700 either produces no
sound or is unable to detect the
pads being struck.
•Ensure that the pads are correctly connected to the DTX700’s trigger input jacks.
•Ensure that the DTX700 is properly connected to headphones or an external audio system,
such as an amplifier and/or speakers. (See page 13.)
•Ensure that the amplifier and/or speakers connected to the DTX700 are turned on and are not
set to the lowest possible volume.
•Ensure that the [MASTER] knob is not turned down. (See page 19.)
•Ensure that the cables you are using are in good condition.
The DTX700 produces sound
but the sensitivity (i.e., volume)
is too low.
If any of your pads feature a pad controller, ensure that they are turned up.
•Ensure that the sliders for the sounds in question are turned up. (See page 11.)
Double triggers are being pro-
If the pad in question features a pad controller, try turning it downward.
The DTX700 receives no switch
or trigger signals whatsoever.
Restore the default settings (i.e., the Factory Set). (See page 22.)
Sounds play endlessly and do
not stop.
Hold down the [SHIFT] button and press the [EXIT] button to silence all sounds.
The pad controller function
does not work as expected.
e that you are using an XP100SD or another pad featuring a pad controller.
The hi-hats open and closed
sounds are not produced.
Ensure that the DBL BASS parameter is not turned on. (See page 32.)
The Factory Set (i.e., default set-
tings) needs to be restored.
See the instructions on page 22. They describe how to reset all internal DTX700 settings to their
default condition.
The DTX700 turns off unexpect-
Ensure that the Auto Power-Off function is not turned on. (See page 14.)
The Factory Set (i.e., default set-
tings) is restored whenever the
DTX700 is turned on.
Turn off the PowerOn Auto function. (See page 22.)
The kit changes whenever a new
song is selected.
By default, your DTX700 always chooses the best kit for each song. To prevent it from doing so,
turn on the Kit Lock function. (See page 39.)
Song parts (i.e., non-drum
parts) do not play.
Ensure that the accompaniment parts have not been muted. (See page 37.)
The click-track (or metronome)
does not play.
Certain sounds (such as snare
or kick) do not play.
Ensure that the sliders for the sounds in question are turned up. (See page 41.)
Drum kits cannot be changed by
turning the dial.
Ensure that the Kit Lock function is not turned on. (See page 39.)
Performances cannot be
Recording is not possible while the Menu area is being accessed (as a result of pressing the
[MENU] button). Ensure that you leave this area before attempting to record a performance.
Hi-hat closed sounds are not
Refer to the Reference Manual PDF document.
Cubase Remote mode cannot be
See page 54 of this booklet.