User Manual

DTX700 Reference Manual
Using the following parameters, you can adjust the
send level to be set for each of the effect units when
the current kit is selected.
q MIDI Channel (Ch)
Use this parameter to select the current MIDI channel number.
Settings: 1 to 16
Variation Send Level (VarSend(Dry))
Use this parameter to set the variation-effect send level to be sent
whenever the current kit is selected.
Settings: 0 to 127
If the above MIDI channel (Ch) is set to 10, this setting will be
displayed as “---” and modification will not be possible.
Chorus Send Level (ChoSend)
Use this parameter to set the chorus send level to be sent when-
ever the current kit is selected.
Settings: 0 to 127
Reverb Send Level (RevSend)
Use this parameter to set the reverb send level to be sent when-
ever the current kit is selected.
Settings: 0 to 127
q MIDI Channel (Ch)
Use this parameter to select the current MIDI channel number.
Settings: 1 to 16
Control Change Number (CC No)
Use this parameter to set the type of MIDI Control Change mes-
sage to be sent whenever the current kit is selected. No Control
Change messages are sent when “off” is set.
Settings: off, 1 to 95
Control Change Valve (CC Val)
Use this parameter to set a value for the MIDI Control Change
message sent whenever the current kit is selected.
Settings: 0 to 127
If the Transmit parameter (also from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/
Other page) has been set to “off” or “PC”, this setting will be
displayed as “---” and modification will not be possible.
If the type of MIDI Control Change message set here matches
one of the following Control Change message types (also set
on the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Other page), this parameter’s set-
ting will have priority.
Volume, Pan, VarSend(Dry), ChoSend, and RevSend