User Manual

DTX700 Reference Manual
: A popup window appears so that a pad can be selected
for editing. The current pad is indicated at the top of the
display (i.e., “Snare” in this case).
: The sound assigned to the current pad is played.
Velocity Curve (VelCurve)
Use this parameter to select a velocity curve for the current pad.
A velocity curve determines how the relative strength of playing
affects the signal produced. For example, with the “loud2” veloc-
ity curve shown below, relatively loud sounds (i.e., high veloci-
ties) can be produced even with softer playing. In contrast, the
“hard2” curve only produces loud sounds when the pad in ques-
tion is struck quite hard.
Settings: loud2, loud1, normal, hard1, hard2
For pad-related trigger settings
loud2 loud1 normal hard1 hard2
Trigger input level (i.e., strength of playing) m
Velocity m