
z.ottt t o',ap t
I Ii_|;ll|ll] I[$UllI;'II I,,"I I P.I IP.I II [Ill [-,II
0 1Di_ A'+'d_O_Iput
2 Dolby DJgaaJ BRstream
_I 3 DTSD_mI_',_ Off
_,,_ 4 MPEG PCM
Press RETURN to exit
2 Dolby Digllal B_lstream
3 OTS_la_r0.nd Off
Press RETURN to exit
.,f.l.-p+:u-.+,+,11,i,i,+=;r,i:l. =h
Select th+ appropriate po_.mon for you++AV sy_,tem (AV amphfier, et¢ ) whmh this
unff I_ Lotmected to When you _etup your AV .y+.tmn. you mum adjm.t tht_ _ettlng
hclur+ '.taltmg p[aybaLk Otherwise. there rod', be a d]glta] _Ignal v, hlLh the
_o[ItlCt+led _qUlplll+2ll[ C.IIIIIO[ proce_ ,,nd the LOIL%_qtl_nt lltlP,_ Lou]d ddllht_ VLKIF
d+tp, al/d your ,+pe3+ke/_
I PCM l)os+n ( omer'+Jlm I N_
Whcg pl.q+mg a _m kH] x+\rhell plug. me a DVD r_u+tded m c_6 KID hncar
hnuar P( M th.u _ou _au P_ M _ignul uf 96 kH/123 bu _amphng frequcn<._
dnu_-,u _h_lhcr tl) <_tllpLII I. t_utpul and you udr] union+ hlgh quaht_ ,,ilund [I
hlgh t]d_llly analog _t_nal <_r the DVD i_ _t_p_,right-pmteutcd no digital _igna] i_
,-illF+t. ll L[ dt_n t_l _-_ }.H! Ill OtllpLII tilile'.n Lont.urted R14_ kill
,,t_IpuI '.ll£1Ld] _lglldl ° '_ClL_I lhi'. po_.ItIIln _hull ut)nneuhn_ _L+itllplnunl
tthoul digital tnput
When pla; ulg a D_D rccorded in 96 kH7 hncar
P( M _ignal i. utln_ cried to 48 kHz / 16 bll
•_d[nphng hequ_nuy and can be output IrOrll dlgItal
tmtput tertnmdl it the DVD LS _op__ rtght-
[t I. leuOlttmend__d to _.ele_+l this poMilOl) ",_hen
v_)nnet+tul+R ++qUlp])lCnl wlth dlgltdl inpul *
2 l)olb__ D_gital B+tstream
Tt_ _e[eut the _ignal format Dolb_, Digital hll_trcarn _igual I_ t_utptlt horn Ihi_
_lutpui IrO[it the- Uml v+]len UlilI '. thgltdl Otltptlt
playing a DVD cn<-oded _iIh _ele_.t th1_ po_lhon whet] _.onnect]ng equipment
l)olb_, Diglta[ muorporatc_ Didhy D]gltal deuodet
PCM +*
_Ignal'. uOlp._rled to 2_.h PCM l+,output ttom
Ihl_ Llnll
° _¢_Cut thl'. pLa'lt1Oll "+Xhell ++<)I]I].2LLIIIL_ t'qUlpln_nl
_htuh d_,c. nm ha_e Dolhy D_gltal dc_odcr
DTq Digital Surround I Off +**
%_le_t whuthcr It) otttpul No dlgtt,d _ignal t_ output even though the di_
DFS digital _ignal or tt_ hemg pla_cd in en_.odcd _ith D]'S to pre_ent
outpul dltdh)_ ",l_Id[ dlgiIdl +,l_ildl h_ bt_ Ilutptll
_]eLL thl'- p_',itlOll _hell uOl]n_.tlll_ _qu][ll!lcnI
'xhtuh th,e_ [l_t ha_.e a D rq deu_Icr
2 lJl l",Lrea m
DT_, bit_h_, un i_ otltpul ,ahcn playing ,t dl_
ea_,dcd _llh l)lq Iorn],It
_t_[t_ul thl., pO_l[i,111 _'. ht.ll t__llllt_LIi[l_, uqtli[lllI,+[l[
lllt-I_ql*Iratt.. ,t D[% deut_tlul
1 P(.M' *
.I __ i el-
%t_na[_ _oll_,dltl'd ttl 2uh [llit_tr PC_,[ L, _LItpHT tit+Ill
Ihl', Lnlll
To ,e_lect the ,Ignal [ornldt _*e[eLt till, pt_lLIl_li _hL[I _or311_(lllg _illplllt'll[
%_hlLh do_,L I1<11 h,lt+e d MP_G dcL_'du
(KIIpUt [r01II thl,_ Unlt _.+.h_[l 2 Bll_|ream
play tng d I)VD _.n__oded _ ffh
NIP[ (+ audio MPEG blt_trLatu %l_zn,l[ i', OtlIpUI hottl tin, LUUt
dtgttd! OUt ptd
_,elLLI Ihl', !)l_MIDffl k_hLII LIIIlllL_[lll_ L_][lllllllLIl[
tn_rpor tt_, a MPP(, du_.odd
Sele,-t No' tl the digital autho input t_t '_ou] audl,_ equtpment _,_.\' umphfiel
ct,- _can handle 96 kHz 124 b_t _gnal II It v, not ac,.eptable tor 9b kHz/24
ha d_gttal audm s_gnal or the q6 kHz hnear PCM dP-,- you want tu pl,t3 e,
uopynght-protected, it i_ l_%-Oll'ffll_nd_d [_1%r2[ " [ No ,trld It/ak_" dlld[_lg
Lll_ll_tlOl| to enloy high qttah['_ ",_+utld III[ i• '_e[ (t_ "2 "le',, -.t_ildl D.
L,mxerted tu hnear PCM 4_ kHz belute being tmtput lrom ,mah_g ,,tJtput
\'_ hell bOIIIL_'LII_L_ ¢qtllpmu'llt ',_ hkh _.[_+c_ IIOt hd\¢ dcv*_t[_r |Ol e.tvh t_I lil.l_
_lllC h_ _u'lu'ut thin ptl+,l[lOII l_l p[C _ CI_t IIOI_C DLI[TILI( ,t'- II u_+uhl uhtlll_l_L \_tll
Ir_ dnd $_ttll ",pea]_u'P.
DCpL'tldltlg t_ll dl'_v L.ipdhlitt\ MPL( _ uudlo hll',llL'dlll [ll.i _- II_q hL _tIIpdl