
( h_2L k Ihdt the I_ _114I_ I El_ I t _.'[I ! 4 dl e LnL I tld_d In _ _ ltlr pd_. kd_e
Remote COntrol
C::_ C::_ C::3
_ C:l C21
_ c_ C:::::l
C::3 C::l E:::I
C3 C2_
Batteries (AA, R06, UM-3)
RCA pin cable (audio/video)
[ hi, DVD dl,ntgel z, dc,lgned h,E use t_lth tol]o_ mg type, oL d[s_. only Neter attempt to load any other type of dl,,c into this
tlllll bevatl._ it 1lid V zld[tld_e thP. LIJII[
] _ pu , ,! ,h -u DVD Video Midm CD
N LIII dl',Lt ! 2 um dI',L N LIIL dhu/[ 2 Clt) dl%k
_.Idl_ pllrl;u'J ,_ll Th,. III.k
Video CD
rll dl_,./I 2 ,-Ill dl',u
I_ oIGrrAl= _Ul:l_O
The, uml i, h,,I _,,n, I,mbl• ,_lh _ L)-R ( D R\\ Pholo _1) ( It R()M D',. D \u,h,_ I)\ I)-ROM DVD Ro\M N\'CD ( D\ ut_
1)1 I II*ll tln_ J[l', [hP[L qdllddtd _[ldP_ut dl_u_ I Il_drt clu I
[)_, nol h_,. dl_L _1 1Ill I _pu "U.=I. _11 p,,.le on I_ dd(Ihl_L IO lliu LIIII[ IIkL_ IU_tlll
[Ol•pl,_dLruu I)1% ,ot=hd I[l_llLuL•'_dl_ (l_Lf)nllLLIdl)[_L_l_d¢_l {OIhl,_lllll!
_O[t_U D". [ ) ITId "_r_ D lualUlu• d,_ _Lil_od iii thl_ Illdlltt.LI II_.l _, rll ,r by d' ,llla_le or mdy operatu m a dltf_rent _ a_ be_au,u thu\ ,u_ _ubleut to
appwll_ _huh yntl pr_•_ thu •kip bu[IOlD, hi IhOIL It, [hL II_KI _•lr,,rl