
Region management information
This DVD player ts deszgned to meet DVD standard that supports region, managemem system- Check the regional _mde
number marked on the disc packages. If the number does not match flus umt's region number (see the below table or the back
of tins unit), flus umt refuses to play that thsc
Model Region number of this umt I_scs can be played
rS A and Canada models
the region number "l'
Europe and U K models
_. _ or a mark wluch mc,udes
the regton number '2"
General model
I @ @,@o:::::::::oo
Australta model
_,_ oramarkwhtchmcludes
the regton number "4'.
Notes about handling discs
Hold discs by touchtag only the edges or center bole
When a disc ts not currently being loaded on the disc
tray, store tt in an appropriate ease
Playback of discs ts generally not affected by small
partlcle_ of dust or fingerpnnts on thetr playing surface
E:ven so, they should be kept clean Wtpe by using a
clean, dry cloth Do not wzpe wtth a ctrcular mouon,
wipe strmght outward from the center
Do not try to clean the dzsc's surface by using any type
of disc cleaner, record spray, anla-stattc spray or hqmd,
or any other chemical-based hqmd, because such
substances might Irreparably damage the disc's surface
Do not expose discs to direct sulfllght, high temperature
or high hurmdity for a long petaod of trine, becanse these
aught warp or otherwise damage the disc