
No audio at digital output Check tne a@_al connec_ ons
- au are pla/in£ a DTS source cnecKtnat 'our recewer can
aecc Je DTS a-d "DIGITAL OUT D JT" is set to "ALL see
_age 23)
,ou are pla/Jn£ a HPEG-2 sou_c_ cnecKtnat our
recewer can decode HPEG-2. Otherwise _aKe sure
DIGITAL OUTPL T" is set to "PCH ONLY' see pa£e 23
Check if the audio format ol the selecteo auo ) lan£ua£e
q'_atcne_ bur receiver CaDaDHIIles
Disc does not play
Picture freezes momentarily
during playback
This unit does not respond to
the remote control
The DVD+P4R\N DVD-R/R'v_ CD-P4R/v must be
Ensure the disc label is facing up.
Chc :k if the disc is defective by tt'yln£ another a sc.
,ou nave recoroea a oicture CD or" l'qP3 CE outsell
ensule tr _t our oJsc contains at least I( sictures or 5 NP3
Re£ an coae is incorrect (see "Re£Lon coaes on page 2
Check the disc for fingerprints/so "atcnes ana clean it itn a
soft cloth wipln£ fr_om center to eage.
Aim the remote control dlrec_ v at tne remoTe control
sensor c the front panel of this snlt.
Reduce the distance of tne remote contrc from tl s ur
Reolace "me Datterles n the remote coMtro
Reinsert the oa_erles With tneir" polarities ÷/- sl£ns) as
Buttons do not work
To cot iDletel "eset tnls unto unDlufJ the AC cord f"or_ tne
AC outlet for 5-1C seconc]s.
This unit does not respond to
some operating commands
during playback
This unit cannot read CDs/
Menu items cannot be selected
C )eratJons ma tot De _erm_ttea D' the disc. Refer to the
nstr'uctlons of the disc jacket
use a commor ava _Dle CD/DVD lens c_eaner to clean
ine lens Defore sendin£ th s unL_for [eDalr
Press STOP la) twice on the remote control before
selecting Setup Menu
Uepenoln_ an Ine C]lscaVallaDlllIV, some IT enu Items cannot
De selectec]
Unable to turn on or offa
progressive scan
Check that the video si£nal output is swltcn t( _, see
Swltch_n£ the YUV/S-video" on gage 2_8),