
General Notes on connections
Never make or change connecLiOnS with the
power switched on,
Depending on the equipment you wish to
connect, there a_-evarious ways you could
connect this platen Possible connections are
shown in the follow ng d_wings.
Please _fer to the manuals of other equipment as
necessa_7 to make the besS connections.
Do not connect this player via your VCR. The
video qualty could be distorted by the copy
protection system.
Do not connect this player's audio out jack to the
phono in jack of your audio syssem,
Digital Connections
This player hasCOAXIAL and OPT[_L dig_al
out jack_.Connect one or both of them to 7our
AV receiver equipped wth Dolby d gital,DTS, or
HPEG decoder usingeachspecificcable (separate
- If the audio format of the digital output does not
match the capabilities of your receiver, the receiver
will produce a strong, distorted sound or no sound at
al!. Make sure to select the appropriate audio
format at menu screen included on the disc.
Pressing AUDIO once or more may change not only
audio languages but also audio formats, and the
selected format appears for several seconds on tile
status window.
- MP3 Audio is not available on tile Digital Output.
Analog Connections
Use audio/video cable suppliedwith this player to
connect the AUDIO OUT L (left) and R (ng_)
jack_to corresponding input jacksof your audio
equ pment such asStereo ampl f'en You can
connect a subwoofer to the SUBWOOFER jack,
You will need to set this player's digital
output to ALL (see 'User Preference
Video Connections
If _ur AV receiver has video output jacks,
connect your receiver (and then to your TV) so
that you can use one TV for several different
video sources (LD, VCR etc,) by simply switching
the input source selector of your receiver.
The player has three types of vdeo output jacks.
Use one of them in accordance with the input
jacks of the equipment to be connected,