
Storing album/title
1 PressY to selectALBUM/TRACK, Albums arefor
HP3 and T_3cksfor (S)VCD.
2 Use and _1to select the require Album/Track,
3 PressENTER/OK to store the entire selected
"_ The AIbum/T_ck number will be added to
the program list.
Storing track/chapter
1 Press on the selected TPT_CK/INDEX. Tracks
are for MP3/CDDA and index for (S)VCD,
-I_ The tracldchapter number will be hghlighted.
2 Use and _1 to select the required TracWIndex.
3 Press ENTER/OK to confim7 the selection.
-1_ The selected Tracldlndex w}ll be added to the
program list.
4 Press ON SCREEN to exit the ITS Menu,
Switching a Program OFF
1 Use A/• to move to ITS.
2 Press or < to select OFF,
Erasing a selection in a Program
1 While playback is stopped, select ITS in the menu
2 Use to select PROGRAM,
3 Use and _1 to select the required number.
4 Press ENTER/OK to elase the selection,
5 Press ON SCREEN to exit.
Erasing all selections
1 While playback is stopped, select ITS in the menu
2 Use to select CLEAR ALL and press ENTER/
-I_ All selections will be erased.
3 Press ON SCREEN to exit.
MP3 Disc Features
Support following MP3-CD formats (Joliet
Q Max, 64 cha_acte_ (file names or directoo,)
II Max, nested director), is 8 levels
II The max. album (d rectoo') number }s 100
II Supported VBR btt-rate
II Supported sampling fi-equencies for MP3 disc are:
32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
II Supported Bit-rates of MP3 disc are: 32, 64, 96,
128, 192, 256 (kbps)
Following formats can't be supported
Q The files like ÷.WMA, *,AAC, ÷.DLF, *,H 3U, *,PLS
II Chnese filenames
II The non session closed discs
II The discs recorded under UDfi folTnat
Downloading MP3 files from the Intemet or
copy ng songs from your own legal discs is a
delicate process,
You may experience an occasional "skip"
while listening to your MP3 files. This is
Additional note for MP3 disc Playback:
In compliance wtth the SDML digtal-out is
muted while playing HP3 discs.
Due to the recording nature of Digital Audio
MP3 (DAM),only Dig_al Audio music will play.
The disc reading time may exceed 10 seconds
due to the lapse number of songs compiled
onto one disc.
Playback of multi-session disc is supported for
the first 10 sessions with the same fon_at,
For multi_session discs with different fo_Tnat_,
only the first session will be available.
Some HP3 discs cannot be played depending
on the disc characteristics or recording