Owner`s manual

The foBowing discs cannol b* p]ayex__Sth tiffs u_L
CD ROM, DVD ROM, CDV. (TMS f_(xiuct can p]_).-some
lypCs of DVD R, DVD RW (Vitro forest only), DVD_R or
DVD_RW di_c_.)
Cin_tation cannot P]_ a CDR, CI2 RW, I2VI2 R, L)VL)
RW, DVD+R or DVD+RW disc that h_ not been Vitalized.
Finalizing _s a proc_s_ that _s a (Esc for playbacl on a
compatible d_vic¢.
Only _e di_c_ Erom a rep_tab_ manuf_ClUret. Some d_scs
cmmol be p]ayexl b_ck, d_nding on re_oKling coml_liCClsam1
disc characteristics.
Do not use di_c_ wilh non _tanda_l sha_ or
So_e DVL) videot_videoCD discsmay olx_'a_ and
function tliff_enfly than noted in this manual. That LSby
raanufactu_cr 0c_gn anti not a t_f_ kl th_s nniL _or more
0ClaOs _ad the infommfion on the disc jackeL
TM_Sunit can pl_y the disc types _s_ocLated wilh 1he logc_
_hown on page 102. (Do not attemlA to loa_ any olhCr lype of
disc into the unit, or 1he unit may be damagcd.)
Some di_c_ cannot bc_p]_yc_ dcpcndklg o_ 1he_cccaxfing
condit_on_ _uch a_ PC environment and applicalion _oEtwarc.
Failu_ can aLso re_flt from disc clxc¢gcteristics am1contlilio_,
like malC_ia] quality, scratehcs or c_vatnre.
L)onot pnt a tfisc ha a p/ace w_th /_
Caution 'i q)
high humidi_- or a 1olOEdust. _\___J ,/
ff a disc bcr_nles dirty, w_pe it with a _
cltx._n__y cloth f_om the ¢enL_ on1 to
the Cdgg. 13o ILO1¸_se _ecort_ city.or or
paint thSnn_.
To avoi4 malflmclicCl, do not u_e comme_ially _vailabte
1¢n$ _ea_¢r.