Owner`s manual

You can place the Front Speakers and Surround Speakers
on the floor or a rack, or attach them to a wall.You can also
mount them on commercially available speaker stands
When placing on the floor or a rack :; ,,, ;
As shown i_ file picture, attach the non-skid pads on the bottoms
of the Front and Sltrrolmd Speakers in the four c_ners. This
stabil_cs file spcakc_ to irrcxcnt sfiding,
* Plan_ on a stable, flat surface.
Non sk54 pad
When attachingtoa wall
S_xews (3.5 to 4 n'tm (]/8_to _¢_)
d_a., con't_ c_Sally availabte)
Attach to the wall xtsing file two holes on file back of fileFront and
Sltrroltnd Speakers.
_@d_esmrc that the happing socw craters the narrow pa:rl of the hole
and the si_eak_ is fixed se_t_ety fiaplace.
i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
* _rne spe_tk_ wc_Jghsal_oot L 1 kg (2;43 [b); Make so_¢ you f_._torts_l'_ws only into a _olJd wall lyJnan Do nol _ach loa wafi
that Js made _f' pl_stz% decca'aft ve v¢n¢¢r sh c_ting o_ ocher raal_Sal that ix'_ts easily; II the s_re_vs come ofi' amI a sW.N_er fafis,
,DO not a_h 1he S_w_akcrs_sring r_ailScx lw0 S_de4 tapei _ibrafion doting _emay cau_ t_ mdts ia t(x)S_mla_ to_l €)ffand
, C_aStaf!_ m_-ra_ 0Vet_ YO_[_¢1_ _is gel¢_ghl in the,Spe_c__able;N_ SUret_eCab_e__ed
YAMAHA _4ll begr r_0res_Si_ly [_ a¢cid_mts eao_d by improNfly p_gxl