Owner`s manual

Sets whc_ler the _nter Speaker is p_csentor nm, and
sets the siT_of the Centex Speaker.
Selection items: LRG (Large), SML (Small), NON
l)efmlIt setting: SML
LRG: Select this sc_ing when using a big Center
Speaker. The entire frcqunncy band of the center charmel
signal is output as it is from the Center Speaker.
SML: Select this s¢_ing when using a small Center
Speaker. A czntex channel signal with a low tone of 90
Hz or below is output from the speaker _,t to * BASS.
NON: Select this setting whun not using a Center
Speaker. The center chanunl signal distributes the same
vo]unle lexe] to the Front L/I_ Speakers.
Sets the siT_of the Front Speakers.
Selection items: LARGE, SM__M_L
l)efmlIt setting: SMALL
LARGE: Select this s¢_ing when using big From
Speakers. The entire frequency band of the front L/l;:
channel signal is output _s it is from the Front Le£t and
Right Speakers.
SMALL: Select this seUfng whun using small Front
Speakers. A front LiR channel signal with a low tone of
90 Hz or below is output from the speaker set to *
* SUR.
Sets whether the Surround L/l;:Speakers are present or
not, aridsets the size of"the Surround L/'RSpeakers,
Selection items: LRG (Large), SML (Small), NON
l)efmllt setting: SML
LRG: Select this sc_ing when using big Surround L/l;:
Speakers or when using Surround L/l;: Speakers with
surround subwoofers connected by speaker cables.
The entire frcqunncy band of the surround LiR channel
signal is output as it is from the Surround Speakers.
SML: Select this sc_ing when using small Surround LiT(
Speakers. A surround LiR channel signal with a low toun
of 90 Itz or below is output from the speaker set to *
NON: Select this setting whun not using Surround I_
Speakers. The surround L/l;: channel signal disWibutes
file same volume level to the Front LiR Speakers.
Selects flit speaker to output a LFE[BASS (low tone)
signal. LFE stands for Low Freztununy Effoat and it is
used to output bands of"90 Itz and below when Dolby
Digital or DTS is active,
Selection item: SWFR (Subwoofcs), FRONT, BOTH
l)efitult setting: SWFR
SWFR: Select this sc_ing when using a Subwoofun
The LFE and low tone (90 Hz arid below) sound froul
othan channels, de.haling on * CENTER, * FRONT and
SUR. sc_ings, are output frtml the Subwoofun
FRONT: Select this se_ing when not using a
Subwoofer. The LFE and low tone (90 Hz and below)
sound fronl ofllan chunncls, depending on * CENTER, *
FRONT and * SUR. _,ttings, are output from the Front
LiR Speakers.
BOTH: Select this item to mix a low tone, of 90 Hz and
below with aLFE channel when using a Subwoofer arid
indc_ndc_t of"file Front Speaker Sound mode sc_ing.
The entire frequency band of the front L[R ehunncl is
output from bofll the Front LiR Speakers and Subwoofun
Sound can output from the Subwoofer during 2-charmel
or Dolby Surround playbaak.
* F, Level
Selects the Front Speaker lcxel.
Whun the Front Speakan volunle lcxel is exI_enle]y high
arid out of aligtmlunt with that of other speakers, you can
lower the volume level and regain a balance.
Selection items: Nnn (Nounal), -10 dB
Default setting: Nm
Nrm: Usually this setting is selected.
-10 dB: Use this setting ff the output level of the Center
or Surround Speakers is out of"alignment with the Front
Speakers. The volmun level of"the Front Speakers
decreases ] 0 dB (about lf3).