
Solutions to Common Problems
Be sure to check the points below if CinemaStation doesn't seem to be
working normally for you. If you notice something wrong that is not listed
below and you have already tried some solutions with no success, turn off
the CinemaStation power, remove the power plug from the outlet and contact
the store where you purchased the product or your nearest YAMAHA sound
products service center and ask for assistance.
Power turns on but immediately shuts off.
m l The power plug is not completely plugged
Insert the plug i11tothe outlet firmly.
m2 Speaker cable is shorted. Whun power is
_r11¢xlon, the irrotective circuit engages and
shuts file system down.
Make sure that all speaker cables are
corr¢,atly connected.
CillemaStatlon rocgived a s_'ung, external
el¢,aWicshock such as from a lightening bolt
or excessive static el¢,c,Wici_.'.
Pat CinemaStadun in standby, pull out the
elc,atric cord then wait for about 30 _,c,onds
Ix_fore _inscrdng the cz_rdand turlling on
file !_wer again.
No SOUl'/(].
_1 You thd not c,onnect the cable Irroperly.
Chc,ak your c,onnections.
_2 The sounc_ you selc,c,tcxlis not suitable for
Choose the cza'rc,at source using file I11put
Seleedun buttuns.
_3 You did not c,onnect the Speaker cable
Cheg,k your speaker cotmectluns.
m4 You tur11¢xlthe sound volmne down. the sound volmne up.
_5 Sound is muted.
Press MUTE or VOLUME -% to _galn the
smmd and adj_t the volume to your liking.
_5 You 111serted a CD-ROM flint CklemaStafiun
cannot play.
Play a sounc_ signal that CillemaStatlon can
No picture.
You did not c,omlect the cable gtoperly.
Chc,ak your c_onnections.
The audio suddenly decreased.
The Sleep Time funedun startcxl workillg.
Tttm the power back on and try playillg the
sounc_ again.
Sound is too low on one side.
You did not connect the cable IYtoperly,
Chc,ak your connections.