
Ilfis _roclu ¢%wben installed as bid_cal_d in the bistra_ions
ModW_cafi(-msno1 e_pressLv approved by Yamaha may void
your aathoiity, grantcxl by 1h¢I_CC,to usa the pfcalucL
When cccmecting this [_dn¢l to ac_cssofies an_or another
_lu _'tuse onlyhighquality_li_d_dcahJes.Cahk'4s
*u]_li_ with this[_,rodnclM[JST _ u_L FOllOWall
instollaficci inslr_cfions. Fallm-¢ to follow instructions ¢oaM
void yourFCC authcaJzafi( -mto use _s _lu¢_ inthe USA.
3. NOTE :
This _oro_lucLhas bc_rt 1,_tcdanti folmd to comply _4th the
rcqukc_nt_ l_steclin I_CC R_galafio_s, Pa_ 15 for Clf_ss
"B" dtgitfd devices. Compliance v,iththese requircmen_s
_vi_Les a reasonable kwel of assurance lhat yoar ase of Ibis
_lucx ina rc_sidcntial cnviromnent _il] not rcsatt in harmful
interference _dth oth_ clec_o_icde_Aces.
II'ds eqaipme_t gcncraWsi_scs radio fxx_qucn_cs an€i, if no1
installed and u$¢fl acco_ling 1_ the _$tracliort$ fourt¢l in lh¢
asc*s manual, may cause iat_thrc_ce hm-mful 1_ the
O_X_afi_-m of othc_r ¢1e¢1_¢ de,does.
Compliance _ithFCC _Jgakafio_s does not guarantee lhat
biterthrencc will not occm_ in all iusto31ations. If lbi$ pfcxlt;or 1$
found to be lh¢ source of bitc_thtvacc, which can be dctermincM
by lurning the unit "OFF" and "ON", p]case cFminate the
problem by using one of the followkig mca_m-cs:
R_[ocal_ _lth_ this proda¢l o_ the device that is b_ing affecLod
by lh¢ inl_rf_¢e.
Utilize f_owcr outlets l_al ar_ ca dig_l b_anch (circuit breaker
or f_._) circth_s o_ inst 011AC line fill_r!s.
In the c_e of rml_o or TV interf_¢nce, re]ocat¢./_caJcnt the
antenna. ]_ the anl_nna lead in is 300 ohm ribbon P'_ad,change
thc [ "_d m to ¢_ ty_ cah]e.
ff tbesa ¢ofr¢Clivc m¢_su_ do not produce salisfaClory resulLs,
please contact lh¢ thcal r_ail_ aothod_l to th_tfibuL_ ffds lyp¢
of _dacl. ITyou can not thcaw lhe _pI_opr_l_ _¢r, pl_f_
contact Yamaha Electrordcs Co_p., U.S.A. 6_0 Grangcthoyp¢
Ave, t_a_na Pa_k, CA 90_9.
The above sta_m_nl_ apply ONLY to those l_Oducts disbibeted
by Yamaha Corpo_afio_ of Arnica or i1_ sul"a_kliarics.
We Want You Listening For A Lifetime
YAMAHA ffft¢lthc_Eiectrordc bidll_tri¢$ Associalica'$ Ctm_u=m_r
E1¢C1_¢* C_'oup want you 10 g_t thc_most out of your _thl_m_fl
by _a)dng _tat _ saC€]ex_. Onc that ]e_s lbe sou_¢l comc through
thad ariel clear without anno)4ng blaring or distortion - an€l, mo_t
importantly, wilhout aff¢Clbig your _c_gltive h_g.
Sbice h_g d,2mgtge from load sou_l_ is ofl_,_n
un¢lete_tab]e_ntilitis too ]at_,YAMAHA aml the
Electrordc thdustr[¢s Association's Consumcr
Electrordcs G_oup _c_ommerM you 1_ avokl pro[onge_l