
Adjust the playback level of the LFE signal
(* LEF Level)
You carl adjast the LFE charmel output lcarelwhile
playing a Dolby Digital or DTS signal. Adjust file LFE
lcare] to match the performuncc of"tile Subwoofbr and
Submenu: SP LFE, HP LFE
Variable range (dB): -20 to 0 dB.
Default setting: 0 dB
Set the DelayTime of the Center Speaker (*
SP Delay)
You carl set the Delay Time of file Cantos Speaker, This
is effective when the Center Speakan outputs sound
during Dolby Digital or DTS playback.
Nomla]]y the Center Speakes and FrunI LiR Speakans
arc planed in line with each other. Howcaran, they should
be placed at an eqaal distance from tdlc]istunan so flart
the sound each one outputs enters the listener's car at the
sanle time. Wifll Delay"Time, the Cuntar Speaker can be
moved to an ideal position farther away"to mateh the
distance of each speaker to file fistenar. Centar Dday is
effcx,tive in adding depth to file sound field and Irresence
to speech,
Variable range (ms): 0 to 5 ms
Default setting: 0 ms
Press > to set file speakcx's virtual position fitrther
away. Press <J to set it closer.
Virtual Center Speaker Position
j-I C I__
Ev_s3, ] ms Incxease ha Dct_- Tune ha_u'eases the distance
_tway £¢ccmlhe 1/slz_hag position by 30 cm (l root).
Set the dynamic range during Dolby Digital
playback (* D. Range)
You carl s_lect the dynamic range (SlrrCad between the
max, and rain. volunlc) of"Dolby Digital playback from
3 lave]s,
Submenu: SP D.R, HP D.R
Selection items: MAX (Maxinlun0, STD (Starldard),
MIN (Mininlmn)
Default setting: MAX
MAX: Play's back the dynamic range of file sovxc_ at the
maximmn ]inliI,
STD: Dynanfic range reoommundcxl by so_wa_
manafaetarc_ for home use.
MIN: Easy to hear even at a low volume, dynamic range
suitable for evening listening.
DcpendingontheDotby Digitalplaybacksoanee, the MqN
dynanfi¢ _angc may not wor3_ _4 rcstdt ha an extremely low
vohtm_. In this ¢as_, set the 4ynamic range to MAX o_ STD.
Adjust the volume balance of the Front
Speakers (* L/R Balance)
You carl _I the volmun balance of flit Front L/I_
Speakans. This sc_ing also applies to Headphunes.
Variable range: LiR 10 levds
Default setting: Cuntan
Press > to nlake the sound snlaller in flit Front L¢_
Spcakan, and press < to make file sound snlaller in the
Front Rigilt Speakcs. You cannot turn off the sound for
cifllar unc of file Front Speaker.
Adjust the sound quality of headphones
(* HP Tone CTRL)
You carl adjast the low tones (BASS) and hill tones
(TRBL) of"your headphones.
Variable range (dB): -6 to -_3 dB.
Default setting: 0 dB
Press t::,-to inarease the range of the low or high tones.
Press <J to decrease the range.