
Press the SURROUND button to select the surround mode. Each time the
button is pressed, the surround mode changes as follows:
Some discs may restrict the selection.
DOLBY PL: Dolby Pro Logic mode
When playing e programme source encoded with Dolby Surround sound
(video tape, laser disc, DVD, etc.) (Fig. A)
Front Centre Front
left speaker right
speaker [_ speaker
Subwoofer D_ _/_
Surround f_ f_ Surround
left "> _ right
speaker _ speaker
Fig. A
DOLBY 3:3 channel mode
Using only the Front left, Centre, Front right end Subwoefer speakers
(Fig, [3)
Front Centre Front
left speaker right
speaker _ speaker
Surround Surround
left 0 0 right
speaker speaker
Fig. B
Dolby Digital 5.1 Channel mode
When DVD disc encoded with Dolby Digital 5.1 Channel is played
back, you can select "DOLBY D". (Fig. A)
Center or Surround speakers do not sound with some discs.
DTS Digital Surround mode
When DVD disc encoded with DTS Digital Surround System
(5.1ch) is played back, you can select "DTS'. (Fig. A)
Center or Surround speakers do not sound with some discs.
THEATER: "Theater" effect
HALL: "Hall" effect
When playing a programme source which is not encoded with Delby
Surround sound (Fig. A)
SURR OFF: Normal stereo sound
Using only the Front left, Front right and Subweofer speakers (Fig. C)
Front Centre Front
left speaker right
speaker _ speaker
subwoo,erD o
Surround Surround
left _ _ right
speaker speaker
Fig. C
Selecting Dolby Pro Logic Surround mode
If you play a programme source encoded with Dolby Surround sound
(video tape, laser disc, DVD etc.), follow the steps below.
Please use the remote control at the listening position.
1. Press the + or- VOLUME button to adjust the sound level from the
2. Press the SURROUND button repeatedly until"DOLBY PL"appears.
3. Press the TEST button. "TTONE" appears and "FL" flashes.
The test tone will be heard from each speaker sequentially as follows:
FL (Front left speaker)
C (Centre speaker)
FR (Front right speaker)
RS (Surround right speaker)
LS (Surround left speaker)
4. Press the + or - VOLUME button until the test tone turns into e
comfortable level.
If the test tone level is not the same from each speaker, you may need
fine adjustment of the volume level. Please follow the steps as below.
Ifyou make no operation, the original display returns after approximately
15 seconds.
1) Press the TEST button to turn the test tone off.
2) Press the SURROUND button to select the desired surround mode.
3) Prees the SHIFT + LEVEL buttons. "FNTL O" eppears.
4) Press the ENTER button repeatedly to select the speaker.
Display (Speaker)
FNTL (Front left speaker)
CENT (Centre speaker)
FNTR (Front right speaker)
SURR (Surround right speaker)
SURL (Surround left speaker)
SUBW (Subwoofer)
5) Press the I_ or 41button to adjust the volume level. (FNTL/FNTR:
"0" to "-10", CENT/SURR/SURL/SUBW: "+10" to "-10".)
6) Press the ENTER button.
7) Repeat step 4) to 6) for another speaker, if necessary.
8) Press the SHIFT + LEVEL buttons again to turn it off.
5. Press the TEST button to turn the test tone off. "]TONE" disappears.
6. Press the + or- VOLUME button to adjust the volume.
There isno Delby Surroundeffectwhen monauralprogrammematerialisused.
When receiving weak FM broadcasts, switch the Delby Pro Logic off.
The sound quality may improve.
When headphones are connected while any of the surround modes
are selected, the surround mode is switched off automatically. The
SURROUND button does not function while headphones ere
For other surround mode, please refer to "Selecting Dotby Pro Logic
Surround mode" as above.
This adjustment can be set at each source individually.