Troubleshooting guide

The control panel
The control panel features two type of items, knobs and buttons.
The knobs are the round shiny things, showing the current value in
the center. An orange arrow shows also the current value.
Instead of using the 'grab' and 'move around' paradigm that i really
don't like, there is two ways to operate knobs:
simply click with the left button to turn one step left or the right
button to turn one step right. If you keep the mouse button
down, the knob will keep turning.
use the mouse wheel. Each wheel step up (or forward) will raise the value by 1, each step
down (or backward) will lower the value by 1. This is very useful to adjust values by one or
two steps.
Note that most of the time, the graduated scale around the knobs exactly shows the number of
steps available. In the above snapshot, the OSC 1 octave knob has four positions while the
OSC 1 wave has 16.
On some knobs where the parameter has a 'central' value, the knob will feature a central
detent : i.e. when turning around, the movement will stop for a second on the central spot.
This way, it is easier to reach common values.
When possible, values in the middle of the knobs show the real value, not just numbers. This
is true for the octave knob, or the wave knob.
Pour the later, abbreviations are (as per Korg):
saw saw wave
sqr square wave
pno piano
ep1 electric piano 1
ep2 electric piano 2
hrp harp
org organ
brs brass
sax saxophone
viol violin
gtr acoustic guitar
fuz electric guitar
bss bass
dig digital
bell bell
sine sinus wave
The buttons (the dark gray rubbery things), allows to switch a parameter on or off.
In the snapshot above, the buttons O1 and O2 are 'on', meaning the Autobend affects both
Sometime, the text displayed on the button will change to show the current state. Like the
keyboard mode buttons 'poly' and '1' will switch to 'mono' or '2' if you push them.
To operate a button, just click on it.
Note on DW parameters implementation:
You will find that the control panel shows less knobs than the number of available parameters
on the DW. For simplicity (and because nowadays we can handle data 'bigger' than 6 bits ;) ),
some parameters pairs where combined into a single knob.