Troubleshooting guide

The Graph
The graph shows the evolution of sound parameters over time. Simply turn the knobs of the
control panel below to view the curves move along.
On the bottom of the graph a real time scale in seconds is displayed. To render the huge time
variation of parameters, the scale is exponential ( 1,4,9,16...).
The vertical scale is fixed and the meaning depends of the drawn parameter. As a basic rule,
upper side is 'louder', 'brighter' or 'higher pitch'. Lower side is 'quitter', 'darker' or 'lower pitch'.
Lines have the same color than the knobs involved.
For example, the blue line display the values of the blue knobs (operator 1).
To be consistent with modern synthesis vocabulary, some DX parameters have different names
here :
'Decay 1 level' is called 'Sustain'
'Decay 2 rate' is called 'Fade Out'
If we take a closer look at operator 1s' curve in the image above, we see:
1 : The attack segment is very short and volume is at maximum level in about 1 tenth of a
2 : The decay segment is quite long and takes about 7 seconds to reach sustain level.
3 : The sustain is not constant, the Fade Out parameter will lower the volume to zero in about
75 seconds.
4 : The dotted curve represent the release: i.e. the change in volume when the key is
released. Here, level falls to zero in one second.
Note : in the DX graph, it would not make sens to attach the release segment to the end of the
sustain segment. First it would not be visible after a fading out (it will go from zero to zero ),
in second, the release part can happen everywhere along the envelope as soon as you release
the key. It is why it has been decided to attach it to maximum level of the envelope for better
All times shown where measured from real audio recording. For instance, with a frequency of
1, the LFO really take 5 minutes and 10 seconds to complete a cycle... Can you imagine
keeping a key pressed for that long to measure it ?... Well, I did ;).
However, this will be true only if the KeyFollow parameter Speed is set to zero. Otherwise, real
time depends of the played key.