Troubleshooting guide

UniSynth will run on any .Net 3.5 compatible Windows system.
Note : the .Net 3.5 platform is native in later systems, or part or services packs.
If you need to update your system, please check on Microsoft site to find an update, a service
pack or a stand-alone download-able setup.
You will need at least one MIDI port on the computer, either through an internal or external
sound card or through a MIDI interface box.
On some systems, you will need to have the Administrator access level during installation.
Run the Setup application and choose a folder where to install.
Default installation folder is Program Files\UniSynth.
After setup, an UniSynth folder will be created in Windows common application data folder.
On Windows XP, this will be in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data.
By default, a folder will be created there for each configured device model, with further sub-
folders depending of the device managed data.
UniSynth is not a free software, it takes weeks to put together all these 'sysex bits' and to
layout a functional interface.
Each supported model registration must be purchased for a small fee.
Until a model is registered, each time you open one of its edition window, a message box will
remind you of the registration procedure.
You can pass the registration message without actually registering and continue in 'demo
mode' but the program will wait one minute before presenting you the edition window.
If you want to register for this device model, note the model name and code displayed in the
message and send an email request to with this information.
You will receive in return the purchase procedure through PayPal.
After payment confirmation, you will receive by email the registration code.
This code is only valid for one installed UniSynth and one 'base' device model.
The 'base' notion here means that one registration covers all the compatible models: for
example, registration for the Korg DW-8000 is valid also for the EX-8000 (the rack version).
The code is valid for any number of devices of the same model.