Troubleshooting guide

The Programs Bank window
If the selected device can manage programs, select the menu command Edit / Programs.
The Programs Bank window will open:
The count of programs depends of the selected device. Here, the Korg DW8000 has a single
bank of 64 programs. Note : the DW8000 does not natively handle program names, see the
chapter about the Korg DW8000 for more information on this subject.
The left part of the window displays three boxes : Bank, Program and Buffer.
The Bank box
It will show a list of available banks (for devices that have several banks).
The Load command allows to open a sysex file containing a bank definition. The definition is
loaded in the computer memory and displayed but is is not sent to the device. You can decide
to send the full bank to the device, thus overwriting it current bank memory. Or you can send
each program to the edit buffer to audition them, save them a single path file, etc...