Product Manual

Before operation
Pre-operation check
The condition of a generator is the owner’s responsibil-
ity. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly
and unexpectedly, even if the generator is unused.
Pre-operation checks should be made each time the
generator is used.
Carburetor fuel drain cock
- Make sure that the cock is closed.
•Fuel (See page 3-1)
- Check fuel level in fuel tank.
- Refuel if necessary.
Fuel line
- Make sure that the fuel should not leak from the
generator when turning on the engine switch.
- Consult a Yamaha dealer, if necessary.
•Engine oil (See page 3-2)
- Check oil level in engine.
- If necessary, add recommended oil to specified
- Check generator for oil leakage.
The point where abnormality was recognized by
- If any abnormal running conditions are observed,
please consult a Yamaha dealer.
If any item in the pre-operation check is not work-
ing properly, have it inspected and repaired before
operating the generator.
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