User Manual

Table Of Contents
87 ELA-1 Reference Manual
4 Use the TAB [l][r] buttons to call up the relevant page, and then set various
parameters to edit the current MIDI template.
System....................... MIDI System Settings (page 88)
Transmit.................... MIDI Transmit Settings (page 89)
Receive ..................... MIDI Receive Settings (page 90)
On Bass Note .......... Bass Note Settings for Style Playback via MIDI Receive (page 91)
Chord Detect ........... Chord Type Settings for Style Playback via MIDI Receive (page 91)
5 When you’ve finished editing, press the [EXIT] button to return to the MIDI Template
Selection display.
6 Press the TAB [r] button to select the “User page, and then press the [6] (Save)
button to save the MIDI settings as your original MIDI template.
Pre-programmed MIDI Templates
All Parts Transmits all parts including the Voice parts (Upper Keyboard, Lead, Lower Key-
board and Pedalboard), with the exception of Song parts.
Keyboard &
Basically the same as “All Parts” with the exception of how Voice parts are managed.
Song All transmit channels are set to correspond to Song channels 1–16. This is used to
play Song data with an external tone generator and to record Song data to an external
Clock Ext.1 Playback or recording (Song, Style, etc.) synchronizes with an external MIDI clock
instead of the instrument’s internal clock. This template should be used when you
wish to set the tempo on the MIDI device connected to the instrument.
Clock Ext.2
MIDI Accord1 MIDI accordions allow you to transmit MIDI data and play connected tone generators
from the keyboard and bass/chord buttons of the accordion. This template lets you
play melodies from the accordion keyboard and control Style playback on the instru-
ment with the left-hand buttons.
MIDI Accord2 Basically the same as “MIDI Accord1” above, with the exception that the chord/bass
notes you play with your left hand on the MIDI Accordion are recognized also as
MIDI note events.
MIDI Off No MIDI signals are sent or received.
On Bass MIDI pedal units allow you play connected tone generators with your feet (especially
convenient for playing single note bass parts). This template lets you play/control the
chord root in Style playback with a MIDI pedal unit.
Style Bass This template lets you play the bass part for Style playback by using a MIDI pedal