User Manual

Playing the ELB-02 — Tutorial
Voice Display
Pressing the [VOICE DISPLAY] button
calls up the Voice display, letting you
quickly and easily check which Voices
are being used for each keyboard!
You can also check the status of each Voice
section—it is on and sounds, or o and will not.
Lets take a closer look at the Voice Display...
Voice section 1
(When the button is off)
Voice section 2
(When the button is on)
In this setup, we can see that “Strings 1” is set
for Upper Keyboard Voice 1, “Piano 1” for Lower
Keyboard Voice 1 and “FingrBass 1” for Pedal
Voice 1.
* Violin 1” is selected for Lead Voice 1, but will not sound
since the status is set to OFF.
In this case, all Voice section 2 Voices are off,
and no sound will be produced from them.
When you play the keys, these Voice sections 1 and 2 will sound simultaneously (if Voices in both
sections are set to ON).
You can switch display pages by using the Page
buttons at the top right of the display.
Try playing the Electone now and listen to the
You can hear the Strings sound on the Upper Keyboard, the Piano sound
on the Lower Keyboard, and the Finger Bass sound on the Pedalboard.