Product manual

one measure), the PortaSound continues with the basic
The three intros available for each pattern are all dif-
ferent. However, with some of the simplest styles, the
difference is not as pronounced as with the more complex
Stopping the Rhythm
a) START/STOP (20a)
Hitting this pad again stops the rhythm immediately.
Press this pad when you want the rhythm to end naturally
on a special “ending pattern”.
Points to Remember
Unless SYNCHRO START/ENDING is pressed
within the first quarter beat of a measure, this ending
pattern will begin only after the current measure has
been played to the end.
If an INTRO/FILL IN pad is hit during an ending,
the ending rhythm pattern is replaced by a fill in per-
cussion, and the Auto Accompaniment then continues
with the basic pattern from the beginning of the next
measure. In other words, the ending no longer ends
the accompaniment. This can be very effective as a
“break” within a song to add tension.
Rhythm Variation
INTRO/FILL IN 1, 2, 3 (20c)
When pressed while a rhythm is playing, the three
INTRO/FILL IN pads start a special “fill in” pattern
that livens up the rhythm by adding variation. Fill ins
are particularly effective at the end of a phrase or during
a musical climax.
As soon as the till in is over, the PortaSound continues
with the basic rhythm. Regardless of when an
INTRO/FILL IN pad is hit, the fill in always “fits in”
perfectly with the rhythm.
You can therefore get even more variation out of the
rhythm by hitting INTRO/FILL IN pads with different
timings for different till in effects.
The three fill ins available for each pattern are the same
as the respective intros.
Points to Remember
You can press another INTRO/FILL IN pad while
one till in is playing to alter the till in pattern. By
continuing to hit INTRO/FILL IN pads alternately
before the fill in is over, you can create complex drum
solos over several measures.
Holding down the same INTRO/FILL IN pad causes
that fill in to be repeated until the pad is released.
The intros/fill ins of all patterns, including those with
a length of two measures, always have a length of one
Range: 10 220
As the name says, the TEMPO/PARAMETER & VALUE
display not only indicates parameters and values (as explained
in the PARAMETER CHANGE paragraph above), but also
the tempo (i.e. the speed of the rhythm). The PARAMETER
& VALUE indicator dot always tells you which of these two
display types is currently set — if this dot is not lit, the display
is showing the present tempo.
To switch to TEMPO display from any other kind of pa-
rameter indication, simply press the TEMPO button (13a).
Each rhythm has a “standard tempo” most suitable for its
style. If you select a style while the rhythm is stopped, the
PortaSound will automatically switch to this respective
standard tempo (and display it if the TEMPO display is on).
However, if you change styles while the rhythm accompani-
ment is playing, the PortaSound will continue in the present
tempo. You can still instantly switch to the current style’s
standard tempo any time during a performance by pressing
the VALUE and + buttons (10) simultaneously.
Of course, you can easily adjust the tempo to your individual
performance needs. Simply lower or raise the tempo with the
VALUE – and + buttons during TEMPO display. (Pressing
them at the same time returns you to the original tempo.)
The TEMPO control range is from 10 to 220 (i.e. 10
to 220 quarter notes /beats per minute). When power is turned
on, the value of the last tempo adjustment made is auto-
matically selected.
BEAT Display
The two dot indicators of the BEAT display give you im-
portant information on the current rhythm pattern.
When both are blinking simultaneously while no sound is
heard, this shows you are currently in SYNCHRO START
standby (see above). Otherwise, the BEAT indicators light
up only when a rhythm is playing.
To indicate the beginning of a pattern, the left BEAT
indicator dot lights up together with the right dot.
Most of the patterns consist of two measures. To indicate
the beginning of the second measure, the left BEAT
indicator 1ights up alone.
The right BEAT dot lights up alone to show the second,
third, etc. beat of each measure. (Only at the beginning
of a pattern does it light together with the left dot.)
Changing the Rhythm Style During a Performance
When you want to switch to a different rhythm style while
playing, simply enter the desired style -number with the