Product manual

Other interesting voices you may want to try for this march
are numbers 28 (TREMOLO ORGAN), 11 (CELLO) and
95 (HUMAN VOICE 2). In any case, you will notice that
the selection of a suitable voice and style is very important
to bring out the atmosphere of a piece.
Basically, all of the steps explained for the Rhythm Section
further above — concerning style selection, RHYTHM
CONTROL, Hand Percussion etc. — can also be used to
operate the AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT features intro-
duced here.
B) Single finger Auto Accompaniment
Using the same simple key combinations as explained above
— for major, minor, seventh and minor seventh chords —
you can have the PortaSound play complex accompaniment
combinations complete with bass and orchestra. All you have
to do is start the selected rhythm in either of the following
ways, making sure that SINGLE FINGER MODE is selected:
Starting the Accompaniment
The BEAT indicators will flash in the selected tempo,
and you can now start the entire single finger chord
accompaniment at once by playing any key(s) in the
Start the rhythm with START/STOP or an INTRO/FILL
IN pad.
Any key now pressed in the AUTO ACCOMPANI-
MENT SECTION starts the other accompaniment parts
— bass, chords and orchestra.
You can begin playing any time you want, either after
a few beats or measures of percussion sounds, or right
from the start (except during an intro), depending on
the musical effect you want.
Points to Remember
Auto accompaniment will continue automatically even
if you lift your fingers off the keyboard. The key and
the pattern of the arrangement (bass line, chord
structure, orchestra part) is determined by the keys
Just as you changed chords with the Single Finger
Chord function, you can now alter the entire accom-
paniment by playing different keys or or key combi-
nations. Further variations can be added by pressing
the INTRO/FILL IN or ENDING buttons as explained
under RHYTHM CONTROL (p.13).
Since the accompaniment arrangements are based on
the respective rhythm pattern, their length (number
of beats/measures) depends on the style.
About the Auto Accompaniment Patterns
To create the desired chord progression with the accompa-
niment, all you have to do is play different keys in the AUTO
ACCOMPANIMENT SECTION. As a rule, the structure
of the accompaniment pattern will always change on the
following beat AFTER you play different keys — regardless
of the precise timing with which they were played. Musically,
this gives the most natural effect.
However, to make sure that the chord progression is per-
formed as intended even if you are slightly late playing the
new keys, the PortaSound will switch the pattern structure
during the same beat if you change the chord soon enough.
When you press a different Single Finger or Fingered Chord
during a pattern, the PortaSound does not simply go on
playing the accompaniment as if nothing had happened, as
this would sound unnatural. Instead, the PSS-680 automat-
ically alters the accompaniment pattern somewhat, adding
variety and giving a very natural, musical effect.
Once you get to know the various styles and their pattern
arrangements, you can make use of this computer-controlled
feature for an even more varied accompaniment.
Stopping the Accompaniment
To stop the accompaniment, you have two options:
a) Press START/STOP.
This will stop the entire auto accompaniment imme-
The PortaSound will play the ending arrangement for
the selected style, and the accompaniment will stop in
a very natural way.
Changing Tempo and Style
As explained for the rhythm functions on p.13, you can alter
the tempo and switch the style while an auto accompaniment
is playing as well.
C) Fingered Auto Accompaniment
This mode works practically the same way as Single Finger
Auto Accompaniment. except that it requires you to play the
in a different manner, closer to the actual chord structure
used for the automatic accompaniment.
In the FINGERED Auto Accompaniment mode, you have
to play three- or four-note chords for the PortaSound to be
able to accompany you. The PSS-680 recognizes the following
chord types: