Product manual

Points to Remember
If several MELODY banks have been recorded sim-
ultaneously, they are treated as one “set”. In other
words, they can only be played back together. As soon
as any of the memory selectors of such a set is pressed
for playback, the LED indicators of the other selectors
in this set will also light up, showing that they belong
Starting to record will erase any data currently stored
in the selected MELODY bank(s). If the selected bank
belongs to a “set” as mentioned above, this entire set
is deleted.
Any of the five DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER banks can
also be used as a voice source during MELODY re-
cording. Note, however, that later editing (alteration)
of the digital synthesizer voice will of course change
the corresponding voice as played by the MELODY
The current effect settings (vibrato, sustain, reverb and
portamento) are memorized at the beginning of a re-
cording and can be changed any time while you record.
After a recording has been completed, you can alter
the melody volume, pitch bend range, portamento speed
and MIDI transmission channel by entering record
standby (step 1. above), changing the setting, then
exiting record standby ‘by pressing the respective
MELODY button again.
Melody Playback
Starting melody playback is slightly different according to
whether the rhythm is currently playing or not.
If no rhythm is playing —
1. Press the desired MELODY bank selector(s).
The selector’s indicator will start to blink slowly, and the
BEAT indicators will flash in the selected tempo. This
shows that the PortaSound is now on standby for syn-
chronized melody playback.
2. Play a key to begin playback.
If the PortaSound is set to NORMAL Auto Accompani-
ment mode, pressing any key will start playback. Other-
wise, play keys in the AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT
SECTION. Playback may also be started with
As soon as playback begins, the respective MELODY
indicator(s) will stop flashing and remain lit.
If a rhythm is playing —
Simply press the desired MELODY bank selector(s).
The selector’s indicator will start to blink slowly. Playback
will commence from the beginning of the next measure
following the one during which you pressed the selector.
As soon as playback begins, the MELODY indicator(s)
will stop flashing and remain lit.
Points to Remember
Even while a MELODY bank is playing, you can start
any other MELODY bank by pressing its selector.
(Again, playback of such banks will begin from the
following measure.)
If identical melodies are recorded with identical voices
in different banks and played back simultaneously, a
phase cancellation effect may occur, causing the melody
sound to decrease. Therefore, avoid such unison re-
Playback continues until the end of the melody, where
it will stop and the selector’s indicator go out. Playback
can be stopped any time by pressing the respective
MELODY bank selector again.
Pressing the MELODY selector of a bank containing
no recorded data will have no effect.
Simultaneous Recording and Playback
It is possible to record one or several MELODY banks while
playing back (and thus listening to) others you have previously
recorded. This is very helpful when you want to perform one
melody part "on top of" another one, making sure they fit
Operation is a simple combination of the recording and
playback steps described above:
1. While holding down the RECORD button, press the
MELODY bank selector(s) for the memory you want to
store the new melody in.
The red LED indicator(s) of the MEMORY selector(s)
you pressed will start to flash with alternating long/short
intervals, showing they are ready for recording. The BEAT
indicators in the TEMPO/PARAMETER & VALUE
display begin to blink.
2. Press the selector(s) of the MELODY bank(s) you wish to
play back.
The selector’s indicator will start to blink slowly.
3. Start playing the new melody.
This automatically starts recording. As soon as the re-
cording begins, the LED(s) of the recording MELODY
bank(s) will blink rapidly, while those of the playback
banks will stop flashing and instead remain lit.
4. Press START/STOP to end the recording.
You can stop playback of any bank(s) during the recording
by pressing the respective selector(s).