
Click this to open the “Common Detail” window.
Click on a tab to edit different parameters. For further details, see Common Detail Window
(page 22).
Part Section (Part 1 – Part 16)
8 Part Number
Displays the part number.
9 Voice
Displays the Bank/Voice name selected for each part. Click this to open a Voice List dialog
where you can select a voice.
For further details, see the Voice List in the “Data List” booklet.
0 PART EQ (High/Mid/Low)
Adjusts the equalizer settings for each part.
A Insertion Effect Switch
Switches the insertion effect on/off.
n Insertion effects can be applied to up to eight parts.
B Reverb Send
Adjusts the amount of signal sent to the reverb for each part.
C Chorus Send
Adjusts the amount of signal sent to the chorus for each part.
D Mute
Switches the mute on/off for each part.
E Solo
Switches the solo on/off for each part.
F Pan
Adjusts the pan of each part.
G Part Volume
Adjusts the volume of each part.
Click this to open the “Part Detail” window for the selected part. Click on a tab to edit different
parameters. For further details, see Part Detail Window (page 26).