
“Setup Dialog”
Settings made here control how data is sent between the Multi Part Editor and the MOTIF ES6/7/8
or the 01X. (page 17)
1 MIDI In Remote Port ....... Click this and Select a remote MIDI input port.
n When running Multi Part Editor as an SQ01 plug-in, the remote input port name set in the SQ01 will
be displayed here.
2 MIDI Out Remote Port ....Click this and Select a remote MIDI output port.
n When running Multi Part Editor as an SQ01 plug-in, the remote output port name set in the SQ01 will
be displayed here.
3 MIDI In Port..................... Click this and Select a MIDI input port.
Data from the MOTIF ES6/7/8 will be received on this port.
4 MIDI Out Port .................. Click this and Select a MIDI output port.
Multi Part Editor will control the MOTIF ES6/7/8 by sending data on
this port.
5 Device No........................Required for transmitting/receiving system exclusive data (bulk data)
to and from MOTIF ES6/7/8. Set this to match the device number of
the MOTIF ES6/7/8.
6 Dump Interval ................. Sets the interval between packets of data when transmitting/receiving
bulk data to the MOTIF ES6/7/8.
7 Dial Mouse Control ......... Changes the operation of the parameter knobs.
When “Rotate” is selected, the parameter values (of the panel
“knobs”) are changed by clicking and dragging the mouse in a circular
direction - in the same way as turning an actual knob.
When “Up/Down or Left/Right” is selected, the parameter values (of
the panel “knobs”) are changed by clicking and dragging the mouse
vertically or horizontally - in the same way as operating a slider.
n The setting made here affects all knobs.
8 OK................................... Click this to use the new settings and close the dialog.
9 Cancel............................. Click this to close the dialog without changing the settings.