Owner`s manual

3. Open the "T" handle hold-down
clamps by turning them to the side,
then remove the "T" handle from the
access port cap wrench. Slide the
"T" handle through the upper holes
in the wrench. Be sure the wrench is
firmly seated on the access port cap
handle, then turn the wrench coun-
terclockwise to unscrew the cap. Set
the cap and wrench where they
cannot be accidentally knocked
4. Remove any weeds or debris from
the drive shaft, impeller, pump
housing, and steering nozzle. If you
cannot remove the debris, consult
your Yamaha Jet Boat Dealer.
5. To reinstall the access port cap, first
clean any debris from the threads in
the access port. Align the groove on
the plug under the cap with the
locating tab in the port, then slide
the cap down. Hand-tighten the cap
as firmly as possible by turning it
6. Set the access port cap wrench in
place on the cap handle and slide
the "T" handle through the upper
holes. Tighten the cap by turning it
clockwise up to the 1/4 turn more
until either set of lower holes in the
wrench shaft align with the clamps.
Slide the "T" handle through the
lower holes and secure it with both
Be sure the caps are tightened
securely and the cap wrenches
are locked in place. Otherwise
the cap could loosen and be
forced out of the access ports by
water pressure, causing loss of
performance and possible dam-
The hatch cover has interlocks to
shut off the engines should the
hatch be accidentally opened
during operation. The engines
will not restart unless the hatch
is closed and latched.