User Manual

Microphone audio can either be Standard definition (SD), or High Definition
(HD). HD audio provides double the bit rate for audio transfer over the wireless
link per microphone.
Back channel audio is audio delivered to a wearable microphone, an XLR
adapter, or TA4 adapter. If back channel audio is selected, it will be of the
same audio format as the microphone audio. In applications where the back
channel audio is not required it can be switched off.
Enable Output Mixing allows mixing the audio of microphones one and two. If
this is off, the audio of each microphone is delivered separately to the two
outputs. If Output Mixing is enabled, the two outputs will both receive the
mixed audio signal.
System Management
The System Management section of the local web user interface contains
information on the Executive Elite system and its components, as well as
system settings. The various submenus are described below.