User's Manual

EZ-300 Owner’s Manual
Quick Guide
Quick Guide
Quick Guide
This instrument features three basic functions: Voice, Song, and Style. This section shows you how
to use these three functions and how to use the number buttons and [+/YES], [-/NO] buttons which
are useful for various functions.
Press one of the following buttons to select a basic function.
The above operation calls up the name and number of the current Voice, Song, or Style, and shows it in
the display.
Select a Voice, Song, or Style by using the number buttons [0]–[9], [+/YES], [-/NO].
Start playing the Voice, Song or Style that you selected.
Voice .....................Play the keyboard.
Song.....................Press the [START/STOP] button to start Song playback.
Style .....................Press the [START/STOP] button to start only the rhythm part.
For instructions on playing the chord accompaniment part etc., refer to page 45.
Basic Operations
..................... Keyboard Voice
..................... Song
..................... Style
Number buttons [0]–[9]
The Number buttons can be used to directly enter
a Voice, Song, or Style number or parameter
Press number but-
tons [0], [0], [3] or
simply press [3].
Example: Selecting Voice 003, Bright Piano
[+/YES], [-/NO] buttons
Press the [+/YES] button briefly to increase the
value by 1, or press the [-/NO] button briefly to
decrease the value by 1. Press and hold either but-
ton to continuously increase or decrease the value
in the corresponding direction. Pressing both but-
tons simultaneously lets you reset a parameter to
the default value.
Press briefly to
Press briefly to
Pressing the [PORTABLE GRAND] button will reset
the Voice settings to the Grand Piano Voice (Voice
No.001 Live!ConcertGrandPiano).