Service manual

Adjusting the throttle link and throttle
cable operation (with a stop bolt) ............3-10
Adjusting the throttle link and throttle
cable operation (without a stop bolt).......3-11
Adjusting the trim sensor ..........................7-19
After test run .............................................1-31
Applicable models.......................................1-4
Assembling the drive shaft
housing ......................................... 6-19
Assembling the forward gear ....................6-19
Assembling the gear pump .......................7-35
Assembling the lower case ............. 6-18
Assembling the oil pan..............................7-13
Assembling the oil pump...........................5-55
Assembling the piston and
cylinder block ..........................................5-56
Assembling the power trim and tilt motor..7-28
Assembling the propeller shaft
Assembling the propeller shaft
housing ......................................... 6-13
Assembling the tilt ram..............................7-36
Assembling the trim rams .........................7-37
Backlash (counter rotation model) ............6-54
Backlash (regular rotation model) .............6-28
Bleeding the power trim and tilt unit..........7-41
Bottom cowling............................................7-3
Bracket unit ...............................................9-14
Built-in .......................................................7-42
Changing the engine oil by draining it.........3-6
Changing the engine oil using an
oil changer ................................................3-6
Changing the gear oil................................3-17
Charging system .......................................8-25
Checking the anodes ................................3-18
Checking the armature..............................8-23
Checking the battery ....................... 1-28
Checking the bearings .................... 6-18
Checking the brushes ...............................8-24
Checking the camshaft .............................5-38
Checking the check valve ...........................4-7
Checking the compression pressure.........5-14
Checking the connecting rod big end
side clearance.........................................5-50
Checking the connecting rod small end
inside diameter........................................5-50
Checking the cooling water passage.......... 3-9
Checking the cooling water pilot hole ....... 1-31
Checking the crankpin oil clearance......... 5-51
Checking the crankshaft ........................... 5-50
Checking the crankshaft main journal oil
clearance ................................................ 5-53
Checking the cylinder bore ....................... 5-48
Checking the cylinder head ...................... 5-39
Checking the drive shaft ..................6-18
Checking the ECM.................................... 8-12
Checking the electrical components........... 8-2
Checking the engine idle speed ............... 3-13
Checking the engine oil .....................1-28
Checking the engine start switch and
engine stop lanyard switch ..................... 1-30
Checking the engine temperature
sensor..................................................... 8-13
Checking the filters ................................... 7-35
Checking the fuel filter ................................ 3-5
Checking the fuel injector ......................... 4-15
Checking the fuel joint and fuel hoses
(fuel joint-to-fuel injector) .......................... 3-4
Checking the fuel system ......................... 1-28
Checking the fuse............................7-44
Checking the gear oil................................ 1-28
Checking the gear oil level ....................... 3-16
Checking the gear pump .......................... 7-35
Checking the gear pump housing............. 7-35
Checking the gearshift and throttle
operation................................................. 1-30
Checking the gearshift operation.............. 3-12
Checking the hydraulic pressure .............. 7-29
Checking the idle speed control (ISC) ...... 4-15
Checking the ignition coil.......................... 8-11
Checking the ignition spark gap ............... 8-11
Checking the ignition timing...................... 3-15
Checking the intake air temperature
sensor..................................................... 8-13
Checking the lower case .................6-18
Checking the lower unit (for air leakage) .. 3-18
Checking the low-pressure fuel pump
and high-pressure fuel pump.................. 8-18
Checking the magnet switch..................... 8-24
Checking the main relay ........................... 8-15
Checking the neutral switch...................... 8-14
Checking the oil pressure ......................... 5-14
Checking the oil pressure sensor ............. 5-15
Checking the oil pump .............................. 5-55
Checking the oil strainer ........................... 7-13
Checking the outboard motor mounting
height...................................................... 1-29
Checking the pinion and forward gear...... 6-18
Checking the pinion and reverse gear...... 6-44