Owner`s manual

1 Computer icon ....................Drag a file and drop it to this icon. If you double-click this icon, the Work
directory set in the File Utility Setup dialog appears.
2 Refresh All Windows..........Refreshes the information of all the media, folders, and files indicated in the
Refresh Selected Items
........Refreshes the information of the selected device, media, folder, and file.
4 File Utility Setup .................Specifies the MIDI driver settings required for data communication. Same
as “File Utility Setup” in “Setup” menubar.
5 New Folder ..........................Creates a new folder in the currently selected directory. Same as “New
folder” in “File” menubar.
6 Open ....................................Opens the folder or volume (media). Same as “Open” in “File” menubar.
7 Properties............................Indicates the properties of the currently selected file, folder, and volume.
8 Delete...................................Deletes the currently selected file.
9 Cut........................................Cuts the currently selected data and copies it to the clipboard.
) Copy.....................................Copies the selected data to the clipboard without changing. In Windows,
the file contents can be copied to buffer.
! Paste....................................Pastes all the data in the clipboard to the specified destination. In Windows,
the file in buffer is duplicated.
@ To Upper Folder ..................Available only in Windows. Click this to go to the next highest folder.
# Change View Form .............Determine whether the files are indicated in a list or as icons. Same as
“View Form” in “View” menu bar.
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