
Song Creator (Digital Recording)
TYROS Owner’s Manual
Editing existing Chord events.............................................................................
The Chord events already entered to the STEP RECORD display can be edited from the CHD display.
With the exception of the Expand function explained below, the operations for the CHD display are the
same as that of the channel data editing display (1-16 page) described on page 105.
Events handled on the Chord Event list display (CHD page)
Chord — Chord root, Chord type, On Bass Chord
Sect — Style Section (Intro, Main, Fill In, Break, Ending)
OnOff — On/off status for each part (channel) of the style
CH.Vol — Volume for each part (channel) of the style
S.Vol — Overall volume of the style
Step Recording for Notes using the Event List
The explanations here apply when you call up the “1-16” page in step #4 of the Basic Procedure on page 94.
This page lets you create a song by entering notes one by one for each channel with precise timing, without having to perform
them in real time. The TYROS lets you record the chords for style playback and the melody (explained here) separately.
Press this to convert the recorded
chord and section entries into
song data. You’ll need to execute
the Expand operation to properly
play back the data you entered in
the STEP RECORD page
(described on the previous page).
Chord and Section data recorded
with Realtime Recording cannot
be indicated and edited on this
001 : 1 : 1440
The song position at which you edit or input the event is
indicated by the following three values.
This sets the “size” of the next note event to be
entered, and determines to what position the
pointer will advance after it has been entered.
Use the 1-16 display if you wish to edit the already-recorded Note
events one by one for each channel.
Use the STEP RECORD display if you wish to enter the Note
events from scratch.
Pressing the button
alternately switches
the note selectors
(at the bottom of the
display) among
three basic note val-
ues: normal, dotted
and triplet.
Measure number (BAR)
... 1920 clocks per 1/4-note.
To input rests, simply specify the position
for the next note (using the [BAR], [BEAT],
and [CLOCK] LCD buttons) and input the
note. Any “empty” interval between two
successive notes is automatically regis-
tered as a rest.