
Song Creator (Digital Recording)
TYROS Owner’s Manual
To properly enter the tied notes here, keep in mind that youll need to hold the keys down during the
entire operation until all the notes are entered.
1 Set the parameters below in sequence.
2 Enter the note C3, as specied in the example.
3 Enter the note E3.
4 Enter the note G3.
Example 3
Determines the velocity (loudness) of the note to be
entered. Here, we’ll select ff, as specified in the
Sets the Gate Time, or the length of the note (as a
percentage). Here, we’ll select Normal,” as speci-
fied in the example.
Use these buttons to set the resolution of the next
note. Here, we’ll set the resolution to an 1/8 note, as
specified in the example.
Do not release C3 yet. Keep holding the
note as you execute the following steps.
While holding the key C3, press the 1/8 note LCD button.
Do not release C3 and E3 yet. Keep holding
the notes as you execute the following steps.
While holding the keys C3 and E3, press the 1/8 note LCD button.
Do not release C3, E3 and G3 yet. Keep holding
the notes as you execute the following steps.
While holding the keys C3, E3 and G3, press the 1/8 note LCD button.