
Style Playback (Auto Accompaniment)
TYROS Owner’s Manual
Synchro Start and Synchro Stop Quick Guide on page 32
When [SYNC START] (Synchro Start) is turned on, you can automatically have style playback start as soon as you play a chord
in the chord section of the keyboard. When [SYNC STOP] (Synchro Stop) is on, the accompaniment plays as long as you hold
a chord. In other words, you can abruptly stop the accompaniment simply by releasing your left hand from the keyboard.
Since turning on [SYNC STOP] automatically enables [SYNC START] as well, you can instantly start up and stop the accompa-
niment by alternately playing chords and releasing them.
Programmable One Touch Setting (OTS) Quick Guide on page 36
One Touch Setting (OTS) is a convenient function that allows you to call up the most appropriate panel settings for the currently
selected style — with the touch of a single button. Press any one of the four [ONE TOUCH SETTING] buttons to instantly call
up the following pre-programmed settings for style play.
• [ACMP] and [SYNC START] are automatically turned on, letting you start the style as soon as you play a left-hand chord
on the keyboard.
• Custom panel settings (for voices, keyboard parts, effects, etc.) designed to best match the selected style are automatically
called up — letting you instantly reconfigure the instrument to suit the music you play.
The TYROS actually has three different features that let you instantly call up complete panel setups: One Touch Setting
(described here), Music Finder, and Registration Memory. One Touch Setting differs from the other two in that each OTS panel
setting is dedicated to a particular style — first, you select a style for your performance, then you press a [ONE TOUCH SET-
TING] button to match the panel settings to that style.
OTS Link..................................................................................................................
The convenient OTS (One Touch Setting) Link function lets you automatically have One
Touch Settings change when you select a different Main section (A - D). The Main sec-
tions A, B, C, and D correspond to One Touch Settings 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. This is
especially powerful for live performance situations, letting you instantly and easily recon-
figure the instrument as you play.
Memorizing the panel settings to the OTS................................................
The TYROS features four different One Touch Settings for each of the preset styles.
Though each has been specially programmed to match the style, you can change the set-
tings as desired. The changed One Touch Settings can be saved as the selected style to the
User or Disk drive.
Style plays
Turning on the [SYNC STOP] button automati-
cally turns on the [SYNC START] button as
well. Turning it off turns both buttons off.
Holding the chord for more time specified in the [FUNCTION]
SETTING/SPLIT POINT display (page 112) will cancel the Synchro Stop
function even if [SYNC STOP] is turned on.
Synchro Stop cannot be set to on when the Fingering is set to Full Key-
board/AI Keyboard or [ACMP] is turned off.
Pressing and releasing the
keys in the chord section alter-
nately starts and stops style
Style stops
Chord section
Press the [MEMORY] button of Registration Memory and
press any of the [ONE TOUCH SETTING] buttons.
Make sure to save your OTS
settings as a style file to the
User or Disk drive (see Save
operation instructions on page
69, step #2 to end). The panel
settings memorized to each
OTS button will be lost if you
change the style or turn the
power off without executing the
Save operation.