Operation Manual

10. Start the engine, and then let it idle
for several minutes while checking
it for oil leakage. If oil is leaking, im-
mediately turn the engine off and
check for the cause.
After the engine is started, the engine
oil level warning light should go off if the
oil level is sufficient.
If the oil level warning light flickers
or remains on even if the oil level is
correct, immediately turn the engine
off and have a Yamaha dealer check
the vehicle.
11. Turn the engine off, wait a few min-
utes until the oil settles, and then
check the oil level and correct it if
The coolant level should be checked
before each ride. In addition, the cool-
ant must be changed at the intervals
specified in the periodic maintenance
and lubrication chart.
To check the coolant level
1. Place the vehicle on the center-
The coolant level must be checked
on a cold engine since the level
varies with engine temperature.
Make sure that the vehicle is posi-
tioned straight up when checking
the coolant level. A slight tilt to the
side can result in an incorrect
2. Check the coolant level in the cool-
ant reservoir.
The coolant should be between the
minimum and maximum level marks.
3. If the coolant is at or below the
minimum level mark, remove pan-
el C to access the coolant reser-
voir. (See page 6-8.)
4. Remove the coolant reservoir cap,
add coolant to the maximum level
mark, and then install the reservoir
cap. WARNING! Remove only
the coolant reservoir cap. Never
attempt to remove the radiator
cap when the engine is hot.
[EWA15161] NOTICE: If coolant is not
available, use distilled water or
soft tap water instead. Do not
use hard water or salt water
since it is harmful to the engine.
1. Coolant reservoir
2. Maximum level mark
3. Minimum level mark
U1CAE1E0.book Page 13 Tuesday, September 13, 2011 5:02 PM