User Manual

100 Genos Owner’s Manual
Operation Guide
Customizing for Optimum Performance
You can customize the instrument for your own personal preferences and optimum performance. This section
covers how to edit shortcuts on the Home display, set ASSIGNABLE buttons, make global settings, adjust the
sound at the final output, and add expansion contents, such as Voices and Styles.
You can register an often used function to a shortcut on the Home display. Although six shortcuts are registered by
default, you can customize them as necessary. Registered shortcuts are shown in the Shortcut area (page 30) at the bot-
tom of the Home display, allowing you to quickly call up the desired function from the Home display.
1 Call up the Assignable display via [MENU] [Assignable].
2 Double-tap (touch twice) the desired item from the six locations
of the “Home Shortcuts” area.
The function selection pop-up window appears.
3 Touch the desired function.
The function will be registered to the location selected in step 2.
You can assign various control functions or shortcuts to the ASSIGNABLE [A]–[F] buttons, allowing you to quickly
operate or call up the desired function.
1 Call up the Assignable display via [MENU] [Assignable].
2 Double-tap (touch twice) the desired item from the “Assignable
Buttons” area.
The function selection pop-up window appears.
3 Touch the desired function.
The function will be registered to the location selected in step 2.
Customizing the Shortcuts on the Home Display
Setting the Functions or Shortcuts to the ASSIGNABLE Buttons
For details on assignable parameters
and functions, refer to the Reference
Manual on the website.