User Manual

42 Genos Owner’s Manual
Quick Guide—For Performing on Genos
Manual panel settings and performing a single song
Playing the keyboard with Styles (Auto Accompaniment)
Singing with Song playback
Storing the song’s panel settings for easy recall
Calling up the stored panel settings for your performance
Recording your keyboard performance
Setting up the
... p. 44
Optimum panel settings for the current Style (One
Touch Setting)
... p. 47
Calling up the most appropriate panel settings (Keyboard Parts,
Harmony/Arpeggio, or Multi Pads) for the selected Style.
Setting up the Voices
... p. 48
(Setting up keyboard parts)
Making Song playback settings ...
p. 72
Setting up Harmony/
p. 56
Storing the song’s panel settings to Registration Memory ... p. 93
For details about Registration Memory and Registration Banks, refer to page 92.
Selecting the desired Registration Bank file
Calling up the Registration Memories 1–10 for the Bank file. (p. 94)
Calling up the desired song’s panel settings from the Playlist in a single step
Selecting the desired Playlist Record for calling up the corresponding linked Registration Memory. (p. 97)
Recording setup: Calling up a Registration Memory from the Playlist,