User Manual

BRIT BLUES: Distortion and great mid-range
tone of a classic British combo amp that
combined moderate preamp gain with an
EL34 tube power-amp.
MINI: The sound and distortion of a simple,
straightforward mini-amp circuit. Sensitive
to changes in the guitar’s volume control
and subtle picking nuances.
BASS, ACO, FLAT: These are the same as on
the THR10. Refer to the entries on the left.
Amp Type Descriptions: THR10X
POWER I: Characteristic thick bass tone of
the crunch channel on a German-made
high-gain amp.
POWER II: This Lead channel delivers more
gain and low-end than the POWER I chan-
BROWN I: Distinct American Hard Rock sound
that has an edgy tone perfect for tight
BROWN II: This channel delivers richer low-
end and greater sustain than the BROWN
I channel.
SOUTHERN HI: A powerful high-gain preamp
combined with a 6L6 tube power amp
delvers an intense Heavy-Metal sound.
CLEAN: This channel delivers a clear, rich,
clean tone characteristic of an American
combo amp and the characteristic sound
of a 12-inch speaker cabinet.
BASS, FLAT: These are the same as on the
THR10. Refer to the entries on the left.
r MIC TYPE (THR5A only)
Select the mic simulation type that you want
to apply to the acoustic guitar’s sound (EG
CLN only is a guitar amp type). The lamp
corresponding to the selected mic type
* The last used mic type is automatically selected
when the power is switched ON.
Names And Functions
Low-powered, class-A tube output
with bright, clear, dynamic power amp
distortion characteristics.
LEAD: Classic British single channel tone. A
combination of a low-gain preamp section
and EL34s in the power section give rich,
controllable distortion with great midrange
BRIT HI: EL34s keep the classic British clarity
while a higher gain preamp allows you to
push the amp into serious distortion.
MODERN: Ultra high-gain input section
combined with 6L6 output section delivers
smooth, powerful distortion and awesome
power amp compression.
* The following three amp types are avail-
able only on the THR10.
High-power all-tube design for dy-
namic, driving bass tone.
ACO: Electro-acoustic optimized input with mic
simulations for natural, clear tone.
FLAT: Flat response clean input for line
sources, tone and effect controls allow
shaping of non-guitar sources.
Amp Type Descriptions: THR10C
DELUXE: This channel delivers a clear, rich,
clean tone characteristic of an American
combo amp and the characteristic sound
of a 12-inch speaker cabinet.
CLASS A: Bright, warm distortion typical of a
class A amp found in a boutique amplifier.
Perfect for playing Blues or Country music.
US BLUES: The distinct bright midrange
tone of an American Blues combo amp
complete with its unique small cabinet