User Manual

DGX-670 Data List
Effect Type List / Liste der Effekttypen / Liste des types d’effet / Lista de tipos de efecto
67 Modulation TcWah+Dist1 Distortion can be applied to the output of Touch Wah. 82 16 TOUCH WAH1
68 PedalWah Changes the center frequency of a wah filter according to “Pedal Control” parameter. (See Effect
Parameter List.)
122 0 PEDAL WAH1
69 PWah+Dist Distortion can be applied to the output of Pedal Wah. 122 1 PEDAL WAH2
70 DualRotBrt Simulates a rotary speaker. 99 16 ROTARY SPEAKER1
71 DualRotWarm 99 17 ROTARY SPEAKER1
72 RotarySp1 69 16 ROTARY SPEAKER2
73 Tremolo1 Rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation. 70 16 TREMOLO
74 EP Tremolo 70 18 TREMOLO
75 TempoTremolo Tempo-synchronized rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation. 120 0 TEMPO TREMOLO
76 AutoPan1 Several panning effects that automatically shift the sound position (left, right, front, back). 71 16 AUTO PAN1
77 TempoAtPan1 Tempo-synchronized auto pan. 121 0 TEMPO AUTO PAN1
78 Misc LoopFX1 Degrades the audio quality of the input signal. 94 16 LO FI
79 LoopFX2 94 17 LO FI
80 Lo-FiDrum1 Degrades the audio quality of the input signal. Ideal for drum sounds. 94 18 LO FI
81 Lo-FiDrum2 94 19 LO FI
82 Lo-FiDrum3 76 19 3BAND EQ
83 Lo-FiDrum4 76 20 3BAND EQ
84 Legacy HallM Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall. 1 6 REVERB1
85 HallL 17REVERB1
86 AtmoHall A unique long reverb with atmosphere. 1 23 REVERB1
87 PercRoom Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. For percussion sounds. 2 22 REVERB1
88 Room1 Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. 2 16 REVERB1
89 Room2 217REVERB1
90 Room3 218REVERB1
91 Room4 219REVERB1
92 Room5 20REVERB1
93 Room6 21REVERB1
94 Room7 22REVERB1
95 RoomS 25REVERB1
96 RoomM 26REVERB1
97 RoomL 27REVERB1
98 WhiteRoom A unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay. 16 0 REVERB3
99 Stage2 Reverb suitable for a solo instrument. 3 17 REVERB1
100 Stage3 30REVERB1
101 Stage4 31REVERB1
102 Plate2 Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit. 4 17 REVERB1
103 Plate3 40REVERB1
104 GM Plate 47REVERB1
105 Tunnel Simulates a cylindrical space expanding to left and right. 17 0 REVERB3
106 Canyon A hypothetical acoustic space which extends without limit. 18 0 REVERB3
107 Basement A bit of initial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance. 19 0 REVERB3
108 Karaoke1 Echo for karaoke. 20 0 KARAOKE
109 Karaoke2 20 1 KARAOKE
110 Karaoke3 20 2 KARAOKE
111 EarlyRef1 This effect isolates only the early reflection components of the reverb. 9 0 EARLY REFLECTION
113 GateReverb1 Simulation of gated reverb. 10 0 GATE REVERB
114 GateReverb2 10 16 GATE REVERB
115 ReverseGate Simulation of gated reverb played back in reverse. 11 0 GATE REVERB
116 VDistWarm Distortion which simulates the sound of a vintage tube, fuzz effect, etc. 98 22 V DISTORTION
117 VDistClsHd 98 23 V DISTORTION
118 VDistClsSft 98 20 V DISTORTION
119 VDistMetal 98 24 V DISTORTION
120 VDistEdgy 98 19 V DISTORTION
121 VDistSolid 98 25 V DISTORTION
122 VDistClean1 98 17 V DISTORTION
123 VDistClean2 98 26 V DISTORTION
124 VDistTwin 98 16 V DISTORTION
125 VDistRockbly 103 18 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
126 VDistJzCln 98 27 V DISTORTION
127 VDistFusion 103 19 V DIST TEMPO DELAY
128 VDistHard 98 0 V DISTORTION
129 VDistSoft 98 2 V DISTORTION
130 StAmpClean Stereo amp simulator. 75 27 STEREO AMP SIMULATOR
No. Category Type Name Description MSB LSB Parameter List
Variation/Insertion Block