User Manual

DGX-670 Reference Manual 25
By changing the Chord Detection Area from the left-hand section to the right-hand section, you can play a bass
line with your left hand while using your right hand to play chords for controlling Style playback.
1 Call up the operation display.
[MENU] Cursor buttons [][][E][F] Split Point/Chord Fingering, [ENTER] TAB [E] Split
2 Use the [2 ]/[3 ] (Chord Detection Area) buttons to set to Upper.
The whole right-hand (Upper) section functions as the Chord section as well as for melody performance.
Fingering type is set to Fingered* and Manual Bass (see below) is set to On automatically.
NOTE When the Chord Detection Area is set to Upper, only Fingered* is available. This type is basically same as Fingered, except that “1+5,” “1+8” and Chord
Cancel are not available.
By using the [1 ] (Manual Bass) buttons, you can turn the Manual Bass function on/off. When this is
set to On, the Voice for the bass part of the current Style is muted and assigned to the Left part.
NOTE This parameter is effective only when the Chord Detection Area is set to Upper.
[5 ]/
[6 ]
Stop ACMP When the [ACMP] button is turned on and the [SYNC START] button is
off, you can play chords in the chord section of the keyboard with the
Style stopped, and still hear the accompaniment chord. In this condition—
called “Stop Accompaniment”—any valid chord fingerings are recog-
nized, and the chord root/type are shown in the display. Here, you can
determine whether the chord played in the chord section will sound or not
in the Stop Accompaniment status.
Disabled: Disables the Stop Accompaniment feature. When Style
playback is stopped, any pressed notes in the chord section of the key-
board will not be recognized as chords.
Off: The chord played in the chord section will not sound.
Style: The chord played in the chord section will sound via the Voices
for the Pad channel and the Bass channel of the selected Style.
Fixed: The chord played in the chord section will sound via the speci-
fied Voice, regardless of the selected Style.
NOTE When the selected Style contains MegaVoices, unexpected sounds may result when this is set to
NOTE If you record a Song using the Stop Accompaniment, both the Voice that is sounded and the chord
data will be recorded when set to Style, and only the chord data will be recorded when set to Off or
NOTE When this is set to Disabled, chords are not recognized while the Style is stopped. For this reason,
Keyboard Harmony is not applied even if you play a chord in the chord section of the keyboard while
the Style is stopped.
Specifying Chords with Your Right Hand while Playing Bass with
Your Left Hand
Left part
Left Split Point
Main/Layer parts
Style Split Point
Chord Detection Area