User Manual

72 DGX-670 Reference Manual
1 Use the [1 ] (Type) buttons to call up the Master EQ Type window.
2 Use the [1 ] – [4 ] buttons to select the desired Master EQ type, and then press
the [EXIT] button.
Normal: Normal EQ settings in which the instrument's characteristics are optimally brought out.
Light: EQ setting for decreasing the level of the low frequencies, making the sound clearer.
Heavy: EQ setting for boosting the level of the low frequencies, making the sound more powerful.
Mellow: EQ setting for decreasing the level of the high frequencies, making the sound more mellow.
Bright: EQ setting for boosting the level of the high frequencies, making the sound brighter.
User 1–30: Your own custom EQ settings saved in step 5.
3 Use the Cursor buttons [][][E][F] to move the cursor to the desired position, and
then use the Data dial or the [2 ]–[6 ] buttons to adjust the Gain level of each
band as well as the Q (bandwidth) and the Frequency (center frequency).
You can boost or cut all the five bands at the same time by using the [7 ] (Total Gain Adjust) buttons.
The higher the value of Q, the narrower the bandwidth. The available Frequency range is different for each
4 Press one of the [8 ] (Save) buttons to call up the User Master EQ display for the
Save operation.
5 Use the [2 ]–[5 ] buttons to select the destination for saving the settings as a
User Master EQ type.
If necessary, change the Master EQ name. Use the [6 ] (Rename) buttons to call up the Character
Entry window, enter the name, and then press the [8 ] (OK) button. The Master EQ setting saved here
can be selected as described in step 1–2.
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[1 ]