User Manual

Screen areas
User's Guide
TF StageMix
Displays information about the current scene and allows you to switch between the different details screens.
Scene area
Displays the name of the selected scene.
Tap to display the SCENE screen (page 27).
If you adjust parameters after recalling a scene, an "E" is displayed.
If you select a scene that is write-protected, a lock icon is displayed.
If you select a scene that is different from the current scene and do not recall it, the scene number begins flashing.
Tool buttons
Tap a button to change the content displayed in the details area. The button that corresponds to the current content lights up.
The buttons displayed vary depending on the type of channel selected. See "Processing area" (page 21) for more information.
If there are too many buttons to display on one screen, swipe left or right to display hidden buttons.
Menu button
Tapping displays a hidden menu.
Two types of menus, either a context menu or a User Defined Button menu, can be displayed by tapping the Menu button or User
Defined Button to toggle between the menus.
Context Menu
This menu varies depending on the context of each screen. For more details about the menus, refer to the explanations for the
corresponding screens.
User Defined Button Menu
Displays the USER DEFINED BUTTONS. Buttons light up when functions assigned to a user defined button are enabled. Tapping
the button executes that function.
If the Recorder – Transport – Play/Pause function is assigned, then the button lights up when playing, flashes when paused, and is OFF when
If a Recorder – Transport – Rec, Auto Rec, or Rec & Start function is assigned, then the button lights up when recording, flashes when recording
is paused, and is OFF when stopped.
If the Page Change – Bookmark function is assigned, then holding it down bookmarks the screen currently displayed and tapping it recalls the
bookmarked screen.
Scene area Tool buttons Menu button
Ta p
Ta p