User Manual

Screen areas
User's Guide
TF StageMix
7 Level meter
Displays the input's gain adjusted level.
8 Digital gain text box
Allows you to adjust digital gain. The default setting is 0dB. You can tap the value and then increase and decrease it by
tapping the up and down arrows.
This item is not displayed when USB is selected as the console's input or for the ST IN channel.
9 Gain Unlink button
Displayed for stereo channels and for channels that have stereo link turned on.
While you are tapping and holding the button, gain for the left and right channels can temporarily be adjusted individually.
When you release the button, the gain for both channels can be adjusted together but the difference in gain between the
two channels is maintained.
INPUT screen menu
The following items are available in the INPUT screen's context menu.
ALL INPUT: Allows you to assign the INPUT jacks as the input source for all input channels.
ALL USB: Allows you to assign the USB TO HOST connector as the input source for all input channels.
ALL SLOT: Switches all inputs to input sources of Dante network devices that are connected to the NY64-D installed in the
expansion slot.
The input source for the following channels will be changed.
CH 1–32 (when CH 1–32 are selected)
CH 33–40 (when CH 33–40 are selected)
CH 1–24 (when CH 1–24 are selected)
CH 25–32 (when CH 25–32 are selected)
CH 33–40 (when CH 33–40 are selected)
CH 1–16 (when CH 1–16 are selected)
CH 17–32 (when CH 17–32 are selected)