User Manual

Yamaha Corporation of America Band & Orchestral Division
3445 East Paris Ave., SE P.O. Box 899 Grand Rapids, MI 49518-0899
Dennis DeLucia
Relax. Match grip has certain advantages. Fairly loose grip.
Must be compatible with your rudimental approach.
Relax. Traditional trip has certain advantages (once mastered).
Eliminate tension and weird arm/elbow positions, please! Must
be compatible with your orchestral approach.
Time can be defined as the length of space between two
pulses. In most measures, it is determined by the second pulse:
Time flows at the discretion of the conductor.
Time is still defined by the second pulse, but the unison
demands of corps/band usually require a more rigid and constant
pulse. Keep a click-track of eighth-notes steady in your mind.
Flexibility to
Yes, within the bounds of quality, taste, musicianship, the
conductor and future employment potential!
Little, if any, due to unison playing. Usually the arranger/
teacher/ director will dictate. Blend and balance, and good musi-
cianship, are always essential elements in any musical venture!