User Manual

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V5 Reference Manual
Basic settings for MIX buses and MATRIX buses
Follow the steps below to change the basic settings for MIX buses and MATRIX buses, such
as switching between stereo and monaural, and selecting the send point from which the
signal of an input channel will be sent. The settings you make in the following procedure are
saved as part of the scene.
BUS SETUP window
You can make various settings for MIX buses and MATRIX buses.
1 SIGNAL TYPE switch buttons
Select how signals are processed for every adjacent pair of buses. Select either STEREO
(stereo signal) or MONOx2 (monaural signal x 2).
2 Bus type/send point select buttons (MIX bus only)
For every adjacent pair of buses, you can select the bus type and (for vari-type) the send
point. These buttons correspond to the following parameters.
3 Send point select buttons (MATRIX bus only)
Select the pre-fader send point from the input channel. These buttons correspond to the
following parameters.
1. In the Function Access Area, press the SETUP button.
2. In the SETUP screen, press the BUS SETUP button.
3. Use the tabs in the BUS SETUP window to select the buses whose settings you want
to edit.
4. Use the SIGNAL TYPE switch buttons to specify whether each bus will function as
STEREO (main parameters will be linked for two adjacent odd-numbered/even-
numbered buses) or MONOx2 (use as two monaural channels).
5. Use the bus type/send point select buttons to select the bus type and the position
from which the signal of the input channel will be sent.
6. As desired, turn the buttons in the PAN LINK field on or off.
SETUP screen BUS SETUP window
Button Bus type Pre-fader send point
VARI [PRE EQ] VARI Immediately before the EQ
VARI [PRE FADER] VARI Immediately before the fader
Button Pre-fader send point
PRE EQ Immediately before the EQ
PRE FADER Immediately before the fader
1 42 1 43
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